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Diet plan for ulcer
A days diet for ulcer patient
Ulcer Diet What is an ulcer diet? A person following an ulcer diet is usually asked to eat those foods that are mild and easy to digest. Since everyone has a different system and can process foods in a different manner, there is no one particular ulcer diet plan as such. However, there are certain foods that can aggravate the pain and discomfort caused by ulcers and therefore, ulcer diet restrictions mainly focus on the exclusion of such food items. Given below is an ulcer diet list, classified according some of the most common types of ulcers: Stomach ulcer diet A stomach ulcer diet can be divided mainly into two categories, i.e., the foods that help relieve the problem and those that aggravate it. Given below are the foods that should be included in a stomach ulcer diet, as they help improve the condition: • Grains like rice, whole wheat and barley Processed food, especially meat, spices, whole dairy, and citric fruits should never be included in the ulcer diet food list. Peptic ulcer diet Some of the foods that are good for people suffering from Peptic ulcers and therefore, should be included in a peptic ulcer diet plan include: • Whole grain cereals, in the form of seedless bread, bagels, English muffins, brown rice, and wheat pasta These foods help ulcers of most other kinds too and therefore, should be included in a duodenal ulcer diet, gastric ulcer diet, bleeding ulcer diet and esophageal ulcer diet, after checking with a doctor. The success of an ulcer diet depends not only on the types of foods that are included in it, but also on other eating habits. Hence, given below are some important tips that should be included in any ulcer diet: • Eating small meals, which are easier to digest, at frequent intervals Ulcers can be quite serious and therefore, it is important to consult a doctor for proper treatment. Following the proper ulcer diet recommendations and restrictions is an integral part of the ulcer treatment. |
Submitted by A V on March 2, 2011 at 10:59 | |
Ulcers Diet A day's diet modification would not just be enough to treat an ulcer. For the symptoms to subside completely it is very important to follow certain modifications till you feel better. Ulcer can sometimes be too painful and you can experience its bouts often. Follow the listed modifications below for ulcer.
Submitted by S M on April 2, 2008 at 07:27 | |
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