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Health advice on food to eat
Are tomato and chili seeds bad for health
Are tomato seeds good or bad for kidneys?It is important to understand the relation between tomato seeds and kidney problems so that one can avoid unnecessary panic over this subject. A number of studies have shown that the consumption of tomatoes or tomato seeds does not lead to the development of kidney problems. However, tomato seeds can be harmful to people who are already suffering from kidney stones and other kidney related problems. In such cases, tomato seeds are harmful for the kidneys as they are very high in oxilates, which can lead to the accumulation of calcium in the body, resulting in kidney stones. Therefore, people who already suffer from kidney stones or are more prone to developing kidney stones should stay away from tomato seeds and tomato based products. Also see foods for patients with kidney stones Another important fact to keep in mind is that green tomato seeds are more harmful to the kidneys, especially if you are already suffering from kidney problems. These seeds are harder to digest and may result in stones when consumed frequently. In general, tomatoes are good for health as they are rich in antioxidants and other vital nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and fiber. Only those who are already suffering from kidney problems should avoid or restrict their consumption of tomatoes. Read more on calories in tomatoes Are tomato seeds harmful for prostate disorders?It is a common concern that tomato seeds are probably harmful for prostate problems. Tomato seeds have a gooey texture and are a little hard to digest, which is why they are not the best for a patient’s diet. However, there are no established harmful effects of the consumption of tomato seeds for prostate problems. Prostrate disorders are an abnormality in a gland in the male reproductive system. In serious cases, there can be prostate cancer and the cancer cells may spread to other parts of the body such as the bones and lymph nodes. This causes pain, makes it difficult to pass urine; there may also be erectile dysfunction and problems during sexual intercourse. You can also find detailed information on diet for prostate cancer patient. Tomato seeds do not have any harmful effects on prostate cancer patients. On the contrary, lycopene, which is the carotenoid found in tomatoes, is considered preventive for prostate cancer, along with a variety of anti-oxidants. Recent research suggests that eating tomatoes cooked in olive oil and in general eating a whole fruit or vegetable (with its seeds) is beneficial to patients with prostate disorders. One of the foods that should be restricted in prostate disorders is sugar, since it may have an adverse effect, specifically on prostate cancer. Other foods to avoid include salt, caffeine, nitrates and alcohol, which have all been connected to prostate cancer. Can tomato seeds cause appendicitis?There are a number of myths regarding the relationship between tomato seeds and appendicitis and therefore it is first important to understand what appendicitis actually is. Appendicitis is a condition caused when the appendix is inflamed and infected. Appendicitis is the result of an infection or obstruction caused by hardened mucus or fecal matter. Therefore, tomato seeds by themselves have no role to play in causing this problem. This is just a myth that has no scientific backing. On the other hand, there are number of health benefits of tomatoes and they are very high in nutrition. They can even prevent a number of ailments and disorders when consumed regularly. Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant that helps in neutralizing radical cells in the human body. Since the human body cannot produce lycopene on its own, consumption of tomatoes helps in ensuring overall health. Regular consumption of tomatoes also helps in lowering the risk of macular degeneration diseases and several other disorders. Tomatoes contain vital compounds that are effective in the prevention of diseases like cataracts, heart problems, and even certain types of cancers. These health facts only emphasize that there is no negative association between tomato seeds and appendicitis. Is it bad to eat tomato seeds and chilli while suffering from diverticulitis?Diverticulosis refers to a condition that affects the large intestine, wherein the inner lining bulges out through the outer muscular layer, creating ‘outpouchings’ (diverticula). Diverticulitis is mainly the infection and inflammation in one or even more diverticula. There is a lot of debate amongst the medical community on whether inflammation of the diverticula (diverticulitis) can be caused by eating tomato seeds and chilli. While some doctors are of the opinion that tomato seeds are harmless because a diet consisting of high fiber and good roughage should flush away small seeds from the intestine; others feel that fruits that have seeds that are small should be avoided as they get stuck in the pouches and result in inflammation. Some recent findings reiterate that seeds in zucchini, tomatoes, raspberries, cucumbers and strawberries, as also poppy seeds, that may be included in your diet for diverticulitis, are generally harmless. Thus check with your doctor when dealing with tomato seeds and diverticulitis. Chilli and diverticulosis share a completely different relationship. Chilli and chilli peppers should be completely avoided since they are not easy to digest and cause inflammation in the outpouchings or diverticula of the person’s large intestine. The other foods to avoid are all the difficult-to-digest foods, such as corn, nuts, popcorn hulls, and pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds. All sorts of hot, spicy and oily foods should also be avoided. Is chilli good for diabetes and weight loss?Several studies have shown the effectiveness of chili in the diet for diabetics, especially those who suffer from type 2 diabetes. Regular consumption of chili in the diet helps in lowering the risk of hyperinsulinemia, which is a common problem associated with type 2 diabetes. Regular intake of chili for diabetics also means that the percentage of insulin required for lowering the blood sugar after a meal also reduces. In the case of diabetics who are overweight, regular consumption of chili also helps in enhancing the process of insulin elimination from the liver. Apart from this, chilies also contain vitamin C, carotenoids, and antioxidants that help in improving the regulation of insulin in the body. Similarly, research has also shown the usefulness of chili for losing weight effectively. Regular consumption of chili in the daily diet helps in boosting the body’s metabolism, which in turn helps in effective weight loss over a period. Regular intake of chili in the diet helps in increasing the heat production in the body, which helps you burn additional calories and lose weight. For this very reason, it is a popular practice in countries like Mexico to sprinkle chili powder on fresh fruits and vegetables to aid in natural weight loss. |
Submitted by N on October 20, 2011 at 05:59 | |
Healthy Food Advice Basic Healthy Food Advice Guidelines The basic guidelines on which all food nutrition advice is based on, is more or less the same and therefore, by understanding these principles, you can set up your own healthy diet, i.e., a diet which has been customized to your personal needs. For starters, every healthy diet needs to have the adequate amounts of nutrients, as well as fluids that are required by the human body. Hence a good diet should have the right balance of macronutrients or energy, without adding much toxicity to the body. • Identify your personal pitfalls to following a healthy diet: Getting started on a healthy diet is not a challenge, but maintaining it usually is for most people. However, if you are keen on improving your eating habits and your health, you first need to make a note of your eating patterns, which will enable you to identify the changes that you need to make. By referring to your journal, you can make some healthy lifestyles changes, which are easy to follow, instead of going on a diet. The healthy food advice guidelines that are mentioned above are relatively safe for most people. However, it is best to consult a dietician and a doctor, especially in case of people who are suffering from a medical condition. |
Submitted by E L on November 7, 2010 at 10:41 | |
Nutrition Advice on Chillis and Tomato No food is bad for health if consumed in correct proportions according to a persons need. Tomatoes are loaded with vitamin C, are a rich source of vitamin A, vitamin K, molybdenum and also provide potassium, magnesium, fiber, B-complex vitamins and folate. Lycopene a carotenoid found in tomatoes has potent anti-oxidant and cancer-preventing properties. The antioxidant properties have been shown to scavenge the free radicals from the body there by protecting the DNA inside of white blood cells and having a protecting effect against atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. For maximum lycopene choose tomato products like organic deep red ketchup, tomato sauce, juice and other tomato products. It also offers a protective effect against different types of cancers like colon cancer, prostate cancer and breast cancer. The vitamin K from tomatoes helps to maintain a good bone health. Riboflavin from tomatoes helps to decrease the frequency of migraine attacks and the chromium helps to keep the blood sugar levels in control. |
Submitted by S M on April 2, 2008 at 07:09 | |
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