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Diet For Chickenpox
My neighbour got chicken pox and now is weak and unable to eat or drink. Please suggest some healthy diet to get freedom from chicken pox?
What is the chicken pox diet for children? Chicken pox is a nuisance for the affected child as well as the parents. The chicken pox rash causes intense discomfort and itching and repeatedly preventing your child from scratching the rashes can cause tempers to flare. Keep in mind that your child will be continuously tempted to scratch the rashes and so you will need to keep him/her preoccupied throughout the day. Like all other illnesses, chicken pox too, comes with its list of do’s and don’ts. This is especially true in the case of the patient’s food or diet. It is rather easy to outline the foods that should be consumed as well as the foods to avoid during chicken pox. However it’s a whole new ballgame when it comes to foods that prevent chicken pox. Can you eat chicken during chicken pox? Chicken pox is an extremely contagious disease and generally affects toddlers and kids. This condition causes the break out in rashes all over the body which appear in the form of pus filled boils. It is often accompanied by extreme itching. However, scratching the rashes would cause the infection to spread and can leave unattractive scars. When your child is affected by this virus, utmost care must be taken so as to prevent it from spreading. What fruit juices to drink during chicken pox? Chicken pox mainly affects babies and toddlers and while it may not be life-threatening, it can leave your child extremely weak and fatigued. Chicken pox causes sores and scabs which are unsightly but they are not a cause for worry and anxiety. Chicken pox causes high fever and chills and so you should ensure that all meals have a high nutritive value that will serve to boost the immune system. Chicken Pox Causes Chicken Pox Diet, Foods Chicken pox is a contagious disease and can spread quite easily from person to person. The most contagious time is during the initial 2 to 5 days of the illness. The chicken pox virus may spread through contact with infected droplets that are released into the air while coughing and sneezing. Since chicken pox is caused by a virus, antibiotics are not helpful. Usually treatment for chicken pox involves topical applications in order to reduce discomfort caused by the rash. Medication may also be given to reduce fever and pains. A healthy chicken pox diet is very important as there may be appetite loss during the illness. Therefore it is necessary to provide the body with vital nutrients so that it can stay healthy and fight the infection. The human immune system produces antibodies to help fight off a viral infection and so a chicken pox diet will help the affected individual fight off the infection. Although a healthy chicken pox diet will not be able to cure a patient immediately, an unhealthy diet can aggravate the condition as the person’s immune system does not receive the nutrition it requires to produce the necessary antibodies. A chicken pox diet should be balanced and nutritious. Home cooked foods are recommended for an individual with chicken pox. The foods must also be soft and easy to swallow and it is important to avoid spicy and fried foods. Oranges and other citrus fruits are excellent immune boosters and so orange juice should be given to a patient on a daily basis. However, if the individual has blisters in his/her mouth it would be best to avoid these juices as their acidic content can cause irritation and pain in the inflamed areas. Fresh fruits and vegetables must be incorporated into a chicken pox diet. To prevent dehydration, plenty of fluids must also be consumed. Herbal teas such as cinnamon, chamomile, and basil are also beneficial. There are also some chicken pox remedies which are known to provide relief from the illness. Adding oatmeal powder to bath water aids in the healing of the blisters. Baking soda may also be added to the water for best results. One may also apply vitamin E oil to the rash as this soothes and relieves itching. This will also help in the removal of scars left behind by the blisters. Benefits of vitamin E oil include increased growth of new cells on the skin. Shingles is another infection which occurs when the chicken pox virus in the body becomes active again. Once chicken pox occurs, the virus may stay dormant in certain cells of the body. In case the immune system is suppressed, the virus activates and caused shingles. Shingles is characterized by painful rash, headache and tiredness. Natural remedies for shingles include the application of a paste of mint leave to ease itching. Application of an ice pack and aloe vera gel are some of the other effective shingles home remedies. |
Submitted by N on October 12, 2010 at 05:58 | |
Chicken Pox can be a very serious health condition because it is highly contagious by nature. It spreads easily from one person to the other though physical contact. Usually chicken pox affects children but it may also infect young adults. Although Chicken Pox is highly contagious, it can definitely be overcome with appropriate precautions. |
Submitted by S M on March 19, 2009 at 12:59 | |
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