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Gallbladder stones diet
So is there a food suggestion or menu guide in the form of a book or something like that to help people with gallbladder stones make the right choices?
The gallbladder is a small pouch like organ that is a part of the bile production and secretion mechanism. The liver produces bile which is essential for the digestion of fatty foods. Bile is produced in the liver and passed to the gallbladder. This process occurs throughout the day which is why bile is collected and stored in the gallbladder. When the digestion of food is taking place, the bile is released into the intestines to help with the process of breaking down fatty foods. Gallbladder stones are small solid masses that form within the bladder. The commonly accepted theory is that these pellet sized masses are made of cholesterol that tends to solidify and block the smooth passage of bile. Gallbladder stones are related to the bladder itself but it is possible for stones to be present in the ducts leading out of the liver or in the common bile duct which combines bile flow from the liver and the gallbladder. The most common gallbladder stones symptoms include pain in the chest or abdomen and indigestion because of the reduction in the quantity of bile available for digestion. Gallbladder stones require treatment of some sort to help relieve the condition. The diagnosis of gallbladder stones is done using imaging tests or using an endoscopy test. The endoscopy test may be conducted as a diagnostic and therapeutic solution. If a stone or stones are found in the gallbladder, then the endoscope itself may be used to remove or dislodge the stones. It is perfectly alright for the stones to be dislodged so that they are passed into the digestive system from where they will be disposed of during defecation. Gallbladder stones can cause infection and inflammation to develop within the gallbladder. These complications can damage the gall bladder. If this happens, it may become necessary to remove the gallbladder itself. While this is an invasive surgery that requires hospitalization, it can be done with minimal effects on the patient’s life. A patient can live comfortably and with no complications without a gallbladder. The only change to the life of an individual in such a situation is the reduction in the quantity of fatty food from the diet. This is a necessary step to ensure that the body does not have too much food that needs to be processed using bile. The bile available during digestion will be limited to the bile that can be produced in the liver at any given time. |
Submitted by C N on October 12, 2010 at 03:51 | |
Gallbladder stones diet Gallstones are in the spectrum of gall bladder diseases which can obstruct the cystic duct leading to biliary colic. When gallstones remain in the duct and if they irritate the gall bladder it may lead to cholecystitis. A basic guide may not be present for gallstones except for certain precautions to be taken if it occurs and what can be the remedies that can relieve the pain that occur due to stone formation. Avoid fatty foods as it can lead to indigestion in person suffering from gall stones. Prefer simple and lighter meals in frequent forms instead of three larger portions. Prefer fats containing short chain or medium chain fatty acids like coconut oil, palm oil which is easily absorbable and doesn’t require the help of the bile for absorption. Addition of turmeric daily can be useful in dissolving gall stones. Fruits like pear, apple and grapefruits if taken daily are helpful. Mix two third of virgin olive oil with one third of lemon juice. Sip the mixture slowly before going to bed. Next morning stones will be passed from the stools. Have Vitamin C rich foods like Indian gooseberry, guava, and tomato as it is helpful in gallstones. Drink plenty water as it is essential for normal functioning of bile. Avoid nonvegeteranian foods except for fishes as it contain high amount of omega 3 fatty acids. Prefer vegeteranian foods helps in reducing the cholesterol in the body. Avoid sugary foods, refined foods and alcohol to avoid aggravation of the disorder. |
Submitted by A M on April 4, 2008 at 05:36 | |
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