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Aerobic Weight Training
Does aerobic weight training help body? Whatever you can tell me will be great?
Aerobic Weight TrainingAerobic weight training is the use of aerobic exercises to keep the body weight under control. It involves lifting small weights with fast and speedy movements. The usual or conventional weight lifting exercises involve lifting heavy weights. Aerobic weight training is usually associated with the fitness of women but, in the recent past it has gained a lot of popularity among men as well. If you are overweight, you may consider adopting an aerobic weight training program in order to reduce your weight. In case your body weight is normal, you may still consider adopting an aerobic weight training to maintain your weight and keep yourself fit. The most commonly asked question about aerobic weight training is: Does aerobic weight training help the body? An aerobics weight training workout is designed in such a manner that you lose the calories gradually at a slow rate without overstressing yourself. Thorough this form of exercise you can derive the benefits for both aerobics and weight training. Moreover, since you workout toupbeatmusic, you feel more cheerful and relaxed. • Make a routine for your daily workouts. Aerobic exercises are a wonderful way of burning excessive fat from your body. Conceptually, the aerobic workouts should be performed early in the morning after you get up. The reason behind this concept is that if you perform exercises after eating or drinking something, the energy produced by the food will be used to fuel your workoutinstead of the excess fat that you needed to burn. Before commencing the training program, you must consult your health care provider. |
Submitted by S M on November 10, 2010 at 03:06 | |
Weight Training with Aerobics Aerobic exercises help an individual lead a healthy and productive life. It is used in weight loss wherein the heart and metabolic rate is increased by spreading the moderate levels of energy for longer period of time so that the fat is triggered for production of energy. During aerobic exercise, the glycogen stores in the muscles are broken down .Once the glycogen stores are over the fat reserves in the body are used thus leading to weight loss. This type of exercise requires body stamina and not muscle strength. These are exercises that involve or improve the oxygen consumption of the body. It is use of oxygen in the metabolic or energy generating process.
Submitted by A V on April 18, 2008 at 12:34 | |
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