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Health Benefits of Yogurt

What is yogurt diet? How can it be made a part of regular routine food intake?
(May 10, 2010)

A yogurt diet plan, if followed properly and combined with exercise, can help dieters with losing weight and sometimes quickly. Yogurt is high on protein and pretty low on fat. It is inexpensive and mostly part filling. It comes in different flavours: strawberry, cherry, blueberry, coconut, peach, lime and more. It also is available in different sizes, from small servings to half-gallons.

There are different forms of yogurt diet. These are based on probiotics and the healthy bacteria present in intestine. The healthy bacteria helps the body to break down and digest food. When food is broken down completely, the colon health and function improves. This is the basis of support of claims of overall health improvements on yogurt diet plans. The weight loss is based on restriction of calories as low-fat yogurt usually contains between 100 and 120 calories per serving.

The Yogurt can contain fruit, protein, and dairy. These three are three major food groups for dieters. Consuming only yogurt will be very difficult over a period of time, but there have been no known health problems that have been reported. For one to consume enough calories to maintain health, atleast 10 cups of yogurt need to be eaten every day. Just eating yogurt alone does leave out vegetables and whole grains out of the food menus. One version of the yogurt diet doesn’t support food restriction. Instead of eating yogurt only, dieters on are advised to have atleast three servings of yogurt every day in addition to some approved foods. There are certain wholesome foods and herbs that are approved which can be consumed with the yogurt diet.

Following a yogurt diet plan doesn't mean consuming only yogurt. It means that one must have two or three servings of yogurt per day. These must be complemented with healthy choices. For example, your breakfast may consist of yogurt and an apple. This can be followed with a salad and a yogurt, followed by a smart dinner of broiled chicken and a salad. That can be followed by a small after-dinner snack of a serving of yogurt or fruit. If you want to eat only yogurt and fruit, it is recommended that you get your calories from the fruit and have no more than four servings of yogurt per day. Yogurt diets, like most diets, work best if you exercise. So walking, weight lifting, running, and swimming are a few ideas that will help you burn the calories.
Submitted by E L on May 10, 2010 at 06:41


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