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Carbohydrates in Apples
What are the benefits of Carbs in Apples?
Apples pack in quite the healthy punch and are an excellent source of vitamins A to G, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, and carbohydrates. They also make for an excellent low calorie afternoon snack with just 58 calories per 100 gram serving size. While the juicy pulp is a favorite, apple skin contains fiber content called pectin (soluble fiber) and cellulose (insoluble fiber). Cellulose or the insoluble fiber is particularly good as roughage for people suffering from poor digestion or constipation. Pectin is beneficial in fighting toxins in our system and helping to maintain healthy intestines and a healthy colon. Most people on a diet may want to know how many carbs in apples. A medium-sized apple with its skin on contains approximately 21 grams of carbohydrates. Individuals on a weight loss diet will benefit from the carbohydrates in apples. Apart from lower levels of carbohydrate, apples also contain sufficient amounts of minerals necessary to promote healthy blood levels. While carbohydrates in apples can help individuals with high cholesterol and heart diseases to keep their weight under control, powerful antioxidants like flavanoid and polyphenols in the fruit also boost the body’s immunity. The antioxidants in apples can also help to regulate blood pressure. However, most of this nutrition lies in the thin skin of the apple. So, remember to keep the peel on. Apples contain specific acids called malic and tartaric acids. These acids along with calcium can improve dental health, prevent halitosis (bad breath due to plaque build-up), promote digestion, and help regulate healthy liver function. Also, an apple a day is a healthy rule to follow if you are suffering from medical conditions like arthritis, asthma, anemia, and worms. Recent studies suggest that apples may help postmenopausal women lower their risk of osteoporosis; the iron and calcium in an apple promotes strong, healthy bones. Heralded as the anti-aging fruit, the antioxidants in apples help to prevent early signs of aging such as weak bones, wrinkled skin, and unhealthy gums and teeth. The carbohydrates in apples also provide a good source of sugar and starch, while ensuring lower levels of insulin. Most fruits are restricted to individuals suffering from diabetes because of high sucrose or fructose content. However, apples can be a healthy option. When it comes to choosing apples for a healthy lifestyle, go for an organic whole fruit instead of juices. Juices with pulp are better than clear apple juices or apple fizz drinks. While storage may not reduce the nutrient content in apples, check for worms or spoilage and store in a cool, dry place. A fully ripened fruit is delicious to taste and contains concentrated amounts of healthy, disease fighting phytonutrients. To ensure pesticide free apples, pick them from your local organic store. Rinse store bought apples under running water to remove any pesticide residue. As far as possible, consume apples with skin on to derive all its healthy benefits. |
Submitted by E L on October 11, 2010 at 03:20 | |
The carbohydrates in apple are fructose and glucose, which are monosaccharides and sucrose, which is a disaccharide. The other non starch polysaccharide or fiber, which are seen are cellulose and pectic substances. Pectin is the kind of carbohydrate present in apples. It is seen on the walls of the cell. It is the methylated ester of poly galacturonic acid and is present in beet pulp, apple and citrus peel. The chain length and complexity of the monosaccharide units varies from one food to the other. About fourteen grams of carbohydrates and ten grams of sugar are present in 100 grams of apple. The glucose content is 1.5 g/100 gm of apples. The fructose and sucrose content of apples are 6 gm and 3 gm per 100 grams of the fruit respectively. Pectin is a soluble fiber present in apples, which helps in the treatment of intestinal disturbances, such as diarrhoea. It triggers the growth of bacteria in the colon. Other fruits that contain pectin are currant, peach and apple. Vegetables such as beetroot, potatoes and carrots are also good sources of pectin. Pectin is present as proto pectin in unripe fruits and pectic acid in over ripe fruits. Pectin also helps in reduction of cholesterol levels. The risk of diabetes decreases with pectin. It cleanses the intestine, thereby helps in the maintenance of balance. It also increases the acidity of the large intestine. Pectin decreases the risk of gall stones. Pectin also exhibits antioxidant effect, thereby prevents, degenerative disorders, such as cataract, hyper cholesterolemia, colon cancer and so on. It stimulates the immune system and proves beneficial for those with ulcerative colitis. The cholesterol levels decrease, due to the increase in faecal fat and faecal cholesterol. It is also used in the treatment of constipation and heartburn. Other benefits of apple are the presence of phyto chemicals, such as catechin, chlorogenic acid, quercetin and phloridzin. These are antioxidants, which function as free radical scavengers. Carbohydrates in apple also decrease the risk of bronchial asthma and cardiovascular diseases. It decreases fat oxidation and inhibits multiplication of cancer cells. It also absorbs the cholesterol rich bile acids and thus lowers the cholesterol levels. Pectin becomes gel like, due to the absorption of fat and fluids from the digestive tract. This contributes to bulk in the intestine, thereby provides relief from constipation. It also reduces the calorie absorption and thus helps in loss of weight. |
Submitted by M S on August 14, 2008 at 08:04 | |
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