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Fast Facts About Otitis MediaInflammation or infection of the middle ear is known as Otitis Media. The most common cause for Otitis media is a bacterial or viral infection in the throat or respiratory system which spreads to the middle ear. Though Otitis media is primarily found in infants and young children, it can also affect adults.
Dietary Management For Otitis Media
Otitis media: Otitis media is an inflammation of the middle ear. This inflammation usually occurs between the inner ear and the tympanic membrane and sometimes in the Eustachian tube. This is often the cause of an inner ear ache. Other infections of the ear which cause ear ache are shingles which cause herpes zoster oticus. This is a very painful problem but is not of any serious consequence and heals in a month or so. Serous otitis media: Serous otitis media is a fluid collection in the middle ear. This problem could be either acute or chronic. Upper respiratory problems or allergies are the cause of acute serous otitis media which may cause a blockage of the Eustachian tube. If there is a bacterial infection this fluid could get infected and cause an abscess in the middle ear. If the problem is chronic then the hearing gets affected especially if it is a persistent problem. Otitis media treatment: Otitis media treatment is usually focused on the cause of the problem which is often an allergy or an infection of the upper respiratory system. The course of treatment is usually antihistamines or antibiotics and decongestants. However, if there is an abscess formation then minor surgery may be required to incise this and remove the pus. Antibiotics are required to treat chronic Otitis media too. Otitis media symptoms: Otitis media symptoms are an ear ache which occurs along with infection of the upper respiratory system, a cough, running nose and fever. Pain could be severe if there is pus in the middle ear which could also temporarily affect the hearing. If this causes the ear drum to rupture the pus would drain out into the canal of the ear. However, the ear drum rupture heals with medication. Acute otitis media: Acute otitis media can cause several discomforts like ear ache, head ache, tinnitus, deafness and discomfort while lying down. In extreme cases there could be a fluid leak from the ear and eardrum rupture too. A single occurrence of this problem may not cause any serious damage but constant attacks could cause other complications like otitis externa which is an inflammation of the outer ear. This could spread to the skull and affect the bone cells and the brain and cause meningitis. Otitis media diet ear: Certain types of food control can help to prevent Otitis media diet ear. Eliminating foods which cause allergies like peanuts, oranges, corn, wheat, eggs and dairy products could help this condition and prevent further episodes. Sources of concentrated sugars should also be avoided. Otitis media foods Eating foods which improve the immune system are the recommended otitis media food. Fresh fruits and vegetables, foods which are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals and a balanced diet will help in almost curing this problem and stop it from recurring. Honey and a variety of fruits should be added to the diet instead of sugary foods and dairy products. Infection of the middle ear must not be taken lightly and a doctor must be consulted immediately. |
Submitted on January 16, 2014 |