Calories In Cod
Cod is a fish which is highly nutritious with a high content of omega 3 fatty acids and E, D and A vitamins. This popular sea food has a mild flavor and is especially beneficial for the heart. Growing kids also benefit from eating this fish because of its nutritional[...]
Daily Recommended Calorie Intake for Different Age Group
Recommended Calorie IntakeAlmost every single article on health and weight loss advises people to make sure that they do not exceed or consume less than their recommended calorie intake on a daily basis. However, most people are not even aware of what the term exactly means, whereas others, who may[...]
How to Burn 3500 Calories Per Day at Home?
How to Burn 3500 Calories a Day Burning 3500 Calories Per DayIn order to lose one pound of body fat you will need to burn 3500 calories in a week. However burning all the calories in one day or restricting many calories in your diet will not help. In[...]
Complex Carbohydrate Foods - List and Health Benefits
Complex CarbohydratesGlucose is the body’s preferred source of energy and this glucose is obtained during the metabolism of carbohydrates which converts sugar into glucose. All carbohydrates contain sugar. Glucose is also the primary form of sugar present in may other foods. In most cases, the sugar will be[...]
Calorie Burning Foods To Burn Holiday Fat - Fruits And Vegetables
The holidays are a time when most people indulge in too many sweet treats or miss too many workouts. But can you shed those extra pounds quickly and safely? Yes, with the help of some calorie burning foods! These foods help you burn excess fat and can be added to[...]
How Many Calories are Burnt While Swimming?
Swimming to Burn CaloriesSwimming is a fabulous workout that benefits the whole body. This is because swimming engages every muscle group in the body. It is also an excellent calorie burner and provides great cardiovascular benefits.Swimming is classified into four groups or types. These are as follows:Freestyle/Front[...]
Acidity and Lack Of Sleep | Hyperacidity and Insomnia (Sleeplessness)
Consumption of alcohol, insomnia, spicy food, irregular eating habits, faulty lifestyle, stress, and unhealthy diet are some factors which can cause acidity. Heartburn, dyspepsia, excessive burping and acid reflux are some of the symptoms of acidity.[...]
Dieting Myths: Tips to Control Calories Intake and Keep Healthy
Diet FallaciesCalories Don’t Count – Untrue! Calories matter a lot in weight-gain and weight-loss program. You must reduce your intake by 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of weight.It is totally untrue - that for weight-loss program a crash diet is the best way[...]