hiatal hernia diet

  • Hiatus Hernia Symptoms, Causes and Diet Plan
    Hiatus Hernia Hiatus Hernia refers to the displacement of a portion of the stomach through the opening in the diaphragm, through which the oesophagus passes from the chest to the abdominal cavity. In this disease, a part of the upper wall of the stomach protrudes through the diaphragm at the[...]

  • Foods For Peptic Ulcer Patient | Peptic Ulcer Diet | Ulcer And Apple
    Foods for peptic ulcer - Milk and other antacids containing calcium carbonate would provide symptomatic relief to the patients with ulcer.[...]

  • Treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
    GERD Symptoms  “What is gerd and its symptoms?” – this is one of the most common questions posed to physicians and health care providers. GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease or acid reflux disease is a condition that is caused by the acids in the stomach rising into[...]

  • Nutritional Health Benefits and Uses of Bland Diet
    Bland Diet PlanA bland diet has foods that can be easily digested as these are cooked with minimal spices and oil. Foods like flatulence-causing fruits and vegetables, spicy foods, and fried foods are also eliminated from the diet. Alcoholic beverages and drinks with Xanthine are also eliminated.Bland Diet[...]

  • Epigastric Pain Quarry | Epigastric Pain Causes & Symptoms | Epigastric Pain Radiating To Back
    Causes of epigastric pain - Individuals suffering from poor digestion or indigestion may suffer from epigastric pain. . Epigastric pain due to indigestion may cause a feeling of discomfort, nausea, belching, and flatulence.[...]

  • Pain In Legs | Lower Back Pain Treatment | Sharp Pain In Legs
    Pain in legs can be due to number of reasons such as an overstressed or torn muscle, inflamed tendon, muscle cramps, hairline fracture in the bone, shin splits, and muscle fatigue.[...]

  • Diet For Haemoglobin And Elevated Haemoglobin in Blood
    Diet And Measures To Increase Haemoglobin In Blood What should be the food habits for generating more haemoglobin in the blood. Which foods help to increase the hb content ? To increase the levels of hemoglobin in your blood, you mainly need to increase your consumption of iron. Hemoglobin is basically[...]

  • Home Remedies For Stomach Pain | Cure For Bloated Stomach And Home Remedies For Gas
    Stomach Pain Treatment With Healthy Diet Stomach pain is a common ailment, and the phrase is usually referred to abdominal pain rather than actual stomach pain – it can occur in any area of the abdomen, between the chest and the groin. These aches differ in degrees; some are mild while[...]

  • Foods to Eat and Avoid While Experiencing Esophagitis
    Esophagitis DietEsophagitis is nothing but inflammation along the lining of the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that sends food from the throat into the stomach. If caught early, this condition can be treated with antifungal medication. However, if left untreated it can cause plenty of discomfort leading to scarring[...]

  • Causes, Symptoms, Remedies, Medicines and Diet for Dough
    Cough RemediesA cough is one of the most common ailments, affecting men, women and children of all ages. Almost all people have suffered from a cough at some time or the other. At times, a cough could be a one-off occurrence, which lasts for a couple of days and[...]

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