acidic urine - Gastric Bypass Diet Plan | Which Are Gastric Food | Gastric Food Receipes
acidic urine
Gastric Bypass Diet Plan | Which Are Gastric Food | Gastric Food Receipes
A gastric bypass diet must be followed after the surgery due to the changes that have been made in the digestive system. Gastric bypass diet usually includes high protein foods that are low in fiber, fat and sugar.[...]
Follow Diet Tips to Treat Uric Acid Kidney Stones
Diet for uric acid kidney stone patient: What is the uric acid diet for stones?Kidney stones are a type of kidney stones (5-15%) which results from high uric acid levels in the body (urine). A high level of uric acid in the urine (low pH) that is not[...]
Low Protein In Blood | Protein Levels In Blood | Low Protein Levels
Low blood protein levels may be more common in some individuals, as compared to the others. Low protein levels in blood may not necessarily lead to diseases as such, but could also be an indication of an underlying medical condition[...]
Dietary Tips and Natural Treatment for Hyperacidity
Treatment For Hyperacidity Troubles And Foods For AcidityWhen you eat, your food is processed for assimilation of the nutrients to the body, which is facilitated by the process of digestion. Digestion is a process in which food is subjected to churning movements in the stomach and intestines in the acidic[...]
Home Remedies For Bladder Inflammation | Cranberry Juice For Bladder Inflammation
Urinary Bladder Treatment With Cranberry Juice
When germs invade the urinary bladder, an inflammation develops that can cause great irritability and discomfort. It is important that this infection is treated well in time as it can later spread to the kidneys causing serious health complications. Bladder inflammation is caused by[...]
Gerd Healing Diet | Good Foods To Choose For Effective Gerd Treatment
Gerd Ulcer Treatment For Effectively Healing GerdGERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease is also referred to as acid reflux or heartburn. It occurs when the acids from the stomach back up and travel upwards into the esophagus. This happens because the muscles at the end of the esophagus are unable to[...]
Tips to Prevent Hair Loss in Young Males
Hair loss and growth cycle in young male: I am 25 yrs male and suffering from hair loss at a very young age kindly advice me how I could recover my hair?Each hair grows approximately little less than half an inch in the hair growth cycle which lasts for[...]
Adult Bed Wetting Causes, Remedies and Prevention
Adult Bed WettingAdult bed wetting is a problem that occurs in adults worldwide. They don’t disclose this problem to anyone or even to a doctor as they find it very embarrassing to talk about it. Adults tend to sleep soundly and may wet the bed at night unknowingly[...]