Healthy Diet Chart | Daily Nutrition Chart | Balanced Diet Chart
Daily Nutrition Chart - Following a daily diet chart is highly recommended because of the fact that it will ensure you meet the body’s requirements of calorie intake without exceeding it.[...]
Dietary Fibers for Obesity Management and Health Benefits
Obesity ManagementObesity is a condition where the body weight spirals out of control and the fat content in the body increases in proportion to the body weight. Obesity management deals with controlling and preventing such an unhealthy situation. Fat is necessary for the human body, but it when the content[...]
Advice on 5 Factor Diet | 5 Factor Diet Foods | 5 Factor Diet Recipes
5 factor diet is based on the principle that one should consume as many as 5 meals over the course of the day. The 5 factor diet plan is very effective and it depends on how largely dedicated you are to your goals.[...]
Safe Crash Diet That Work & | Tips on Weight Loss, Starting A Crash Diet
One of the most effective crash diet methods is to eat only green vegetables with a minimum calorie content in a raw, baked or sautéed form. Avoid any kind of seasoning on the preparation as it will only serve to defeat the entire purpose of the diet plan[...]
Diet Recommendations for Excessive Weight Loss (Obesity)
Obesity DietIt is a well-known fact that obesity is one of the leading health concerns in today’s world, being responsible for more than 325,000 deaths in the United States alone. People who are obese, i.e., those who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) reading of[...]
Health And Cycling And Hypertention Causes
Cycling And Symptoms Of Hypertension
Can everyday cycling may be one of the causes of hypertension?
On the contrary, cycling is one of the exercises that help to lower high blood pressure. In order to treat hypertension certain lifestyle changes with healthy diet and drug therapy prove to be beneficial[...]
Soft Drinks Side Effects, Health Risks | Healthy Soft Drinks Types
Soft Drinks EffectsPeople around the world in more than a hundred and fifty nations drink sodas and soft drinks every day, totaling to a whopping 34 billion gallons a year. Essentially, a soft drink consists of carbonated water, sugar, and flavoring agents. Average consumption of soft drinks in the United[...]
Information about Low Carb Diet Tips and Food Choices
low carb diet recipesObesity is becoming an increasingly common problem all over the world and the fact that some countries are even declaring the condition to be a pandemic only serves to highlight the threat posed. There are a number of factors that have significantly contributed to the obesity explosion[...]