
  • Dried chilli pepper aids in pain relief for diabetics suffering from neuropathy psoriasis and arthritis
    Benefits and uses of Dried Chili PepperChili pepper, dried, adds spice to the dishes and brings tears in the eyes! It belongs to the Capsicum family and is considered in all kinds of dishes, including Schewzwan, Mexican, Thai and Indian. They enhance the flavor and taste of the dishes. Dried[...]

  • Benefits of Baking Soda for Skin, Hair, Heartburn, Teeth and Digestion
    Baking Soda Health Benefits Chemically known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is a leavening agent. It produces carbon dioxide when mixed with an acidic agent, with moisture, thereby making it an important ingredient widely used in confectionaries. Apart from that, baking soda also has numerous other advantages. It is also[...]

  • Health Benefits and Side Effects of Black Seed
    Health Benefits Of Black SeedBlack seed is an herb also referred to as black cumin. Its scientific name is Nigella Sativa. It is mostly found in Mediterranean regions as well as parts of Africa and Asia. It bears no relation with the cumin seed or fennel, as is commonly believed[...]

  • Benefits and Side Effects of Folic Acid and Folate
    Folic Acid and FolateFolic acid and folate are required by the body for the synthesis of red blood cells. They are the form of water-soluble B-complex vitamin and are used to prevent or treat folic acid deficiency and for pregnancy complications prevention. Folic acid deficiency can also cause[...]

  • Quickly Heal Your Injuries with Healthy Food
    Foods And Healing Diets For InjuriesInjury: When damage is inflicted on the body, affecting the tissue or bone, it is known as injury. An injury can happen due to a sports mishap, accident, wound, trauma, health problem, or while doing regular activities. There are various types of injuries and various[...]

  • Ginger - Side Effects and Health Benefits
    GingerThe rhizome or the underground stem of the plant zingiber officinale is used since 1500s in Chinese, Indian and Japanese medicines. The name ginger comes from a Sanskrit word which means ‘with a body like a horn’. Volatile oils and pungent phenolic compounds (gingerols and shogaols) are the[...]

  • Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts and Calories in Rosemary
    Rosemary Health Benefits & Nutritional InformationAn evergreen shrub, ‘rosemary’ is a little plant with many medicinal properties and uses. It has slender that resemble slim green chilies. These leaves are used in a number of dishes and are staple in most kitchens. Rosemary leaves provide a delicious aroma[...]

  • Nutritional and Health Benefits of Eating Cabbage
    Cabbage Health Benefits, Nutrition FactsIf you have always looked at cabbage as a mere ingredient in coleslaw, let’s get you acquainted with some impressive cabbage health benefits. Nutrients in cabbage include ample traces of vitamin C, vitamin B including thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and panthothenic acid, folates, vitamin K[...]

  • Margosa - Powerful Antiseptic to Treat Skin Diseases
    Margosa Herb Benefits And Neem Oil RemedyThe Margosa (Azadirachta indica) tree has long been a part of traditional Indian medicine. This wonderful plant has a number of uses. Perhaps one of the most famous recent uses is that of Margosa as an insecticide.  The compound found in Margosa has[...]

  • Home Remedies For Skin Fungus Treatment | Diet For Skin Fungal Infection Prevention
    Fungus Infections And Dry Skin Treatment Fungal infections are among the most common kind of skin infections that affect people. These infections are rather contagious, spreading easily from one body part to another and from person to person too. In a fungal infection of the skin, the affected area typically[...]

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