stomach ulcer diet - Peptic Ulcer Treatment with Diet | Peptic Ulcers | Treatment Chart for Peptic Ulcer
stomach ulcer diet
Peptic Ulcer Treatment with Diet | Peptic Ulcers | Treatment Chart for Peptic Ulcer
Diet for Peptic UlcerPersons who treat themselves with antacids may do themselves more harm than good. Though they may get initial relief . Because the tablet neutralizes the acid, the stomach responds by producing even more acid because the basic cause of the hyperacidity has not been dealt with. Ulcers can[...]
Home Remedies For Stomach Bugs | Stomach Bugs Treatment At Home
Treating Stomach Bugs With Effective Natural Cures And Home Remedies
Stomach bugs may be of several kinds and generally lead to severe stomach pain. Most stomach bugs are caused by food poisoning, bacterial or viral infections. The most common of such gastrointestinal infections (bugs) is the stomach flu. The condition[...]
Nutritional Facts and Health Benefits of Banana
BananaThe yellow jacket of bananas with firm creamy and wonderfully sweet flesh is available throughout the year. Banana plant belongs to the same family of that of the lily and the orchid and it grows up to 10 to 26 feet tall. Cluster of this fruit contains anywhere about 50[...]
Home Remedies For Stomach Cramps And Acute Pain Treatment
Severe Stomach Cramps Treatment And Tips For Pain Relief
The painful squeezing sensations that you may have experienced in the stomach and abdominal region is commonly referred to as stomach cramps. The cramps do not necessarily originate in the stomach or the abdominal region. The intensity of the pain too[...]
Bromelain Health Benefits and Side Effects
BromelainBromelain is a sulfur-containing protein digestive enzymes found in pineapples. It is classified as an herb and is extracted from the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. Bromelain acts as an anti-inflammatory agent when taken on an empty stomach, and aids protein digestion when taken with meals[...]
Heartburn Home Remedies | During Pregnancy Relief | Acid Reflux
Heartburn Home Remedies
Heartburn is also known as acid reflux. It happens when the acids from your stomach escape to your esophagus. Here are some heartburn home remedies to help you cope with this condition. Do remember that there are several kinds of acid reflux treatments that you can reach[...]
Symptoms, Treatment and Diet Tips for Indigestion
Information About Indigestion And Dyspepsia DietIndigestion: Dyspepsia is the other name for indigestion, and is used to describe symptoms that include pain or a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, a feeling of uncomfortable fullness after a meal, and feeling full while eating a meal. Indigestion in the digestive tract[...]
Home Remedies For Stomach Pain | Cure For Bloated Stomach And Home Remedies For Gas
Stomach Pain Treatment With Healthy Diet
Stomach pain is a common ailment, and the phrase is usually referred to abdominal pain rather than actual stomach pain – it can occur in any area of the abdomen, between the chest and the groin. These aches differ in degrees; some are mild while[...]