ulcer diet - Symptoms, Treatment and Diet Tips for Indigestion
ulcer diet
Symptoms, Treatment and Diet Tips for Indigestion
Information About Indigestion And Dyspepsia DietIndigestion: Dyspepsia is the other name for indigestion, and is used to describe symptoms that include pain or a burning sensation in the upper abdomen, a feeling of uncomfortable fullness after a meal, and feeling full while eating a meal. Indigestion in the digestive tract[...]
Nutritious Toddler Diet | Baby Diet | Healthy Food For Toddlers
Toddler diet - The average toddler diet plan should include servings that are ¼ the size of adult servings.If your child is still hungry a couple of hours after dinner, give him something nutritious to eat such as cheese or fruit.[...]
Chili Pepper | Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne PepperCayenne pepper, also referred to as chili pepper is spicy and is a vital part of every seasoning. It belongs to the capsicum family. It was primarily grown in a French town and is botanically known as Capsicum frutenscens. Capsaicin is the chemical component contributing to the spicy nature[...]
Bromelain Health Benefits and Side Effects
BromelainBromelain is a sulfur-containing protein digestive enzymes found in pineapples. It is classified as an herb and is extracted from the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. Bromelain acts as an anti-inflammatory agent when taken on an empty stomach, and aids protein digestion when taken with meals[...]
Medicinal Properties and Side Effects of Seaweed (Bladderwrack)
Seaweed Healing PropertiesFucus vesiculosus (bladderwrack – brown algae) is brown seaweed that can be easily recognized from its prominent bladder like alignment on either side of the midrib. This grows on the northern coast of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans and also in North and Baltic Sea. A brown seaweed[...]
Bulimia nervosa is one of the eating disorders affecting the adolescents
BulimiaBulimia nervosa is one of the eating disorders affecting the adolescents. A cyclic process of bingeing followed by purging is a common symptom. Excessive intake is compensated by purging. This process is repeated on a weekly or daily basis. This is especially done to prevent weight gain. It is a[...]
Nutrition While on a Diet
Diet nutrition: I need a list of diet foods or foods to eat while I am on a diet. I am trying to stay on a 1500 cal diet a day. Thank you.[...]
Licorice and DGL- Health Benefits and Side Effects
Licorice and DGLLicorice is a slow growing herb and the dried rhizome and root are the parts used medically. Licorice is commonly produced in Greece, Turkey and Asia and is used mainly for upper respiratory track ailments and gastritis. Besides being used for medical purpose, licorice is also used as[...]
Side Effects and Health Benefits of Black Tea
Black Tea benefits and side effectsThe leaves of camellia sinensis – a perennial evergreen shrub are allowed to dry and oxidize and black tea is made out of these dried leaves. Tea has a long history and served as a part of various ceremonies. Many people use tea to stay[...]
Feverfew Plant Health Benefits and Side Effects
FeverfewFeverfew is a short perennial plant with strong and bitter odor. As the name indicates, feverfew is an herb that is used traditionally for fever treatment. In past people used to take advantage of the nutrients from feverfew leaves by chewing it in the style of tobacco, but this could[...]