underweight - Recommended 3000 Calorie Diet Plan for Men & Women
Recommended 3000 Calorie Diet Plan for Men & Women
3000 Calorie Diet PlanA 3000 calorie diet plan is usually recommended for athletes, very active young people, or those you want to gain weight. The calorie intake for a normal active adult ranges from 1600 to 2200 for active women, to about 2000 to 2800 for active men. Consuming 3000[...]
Calculation Of Body Mass Index | Body Mass Index Categories | Body Mass Index Table
There are a number of body mass index calculators on the internet that will simply require your gender, age, and height in order to calculate the index number. There are 4 main body mass index categories that are divided on the number generated by the bod[...]
How to gain weight healthy | Calories to gain weight
Is underweight hereditary and exercise to gain weight: How do you know if you’re underweight? Is there an explanation about being thin? How true if it can be hereditary or in family genes. Do you have any suggestions regarding what exercise should be done[...]
Diet and Treatment for Leucorrhoea Disease
Leucorrhoea DietA total health-building scheme is essential for the removal of the systemic toxicity, which is primarily responsible for the disease. Such a scheme should consist of correct feeding habits, proper sleep, exercise, fresh air and sunshine. To begin with, the patient should fast for three or four days[...]
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diet, Foods to Avoid, Diagnosis and Treatment
Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diet Pulmonary tuberculosis can be described as a slow-growing bacterial infection that occurs in your lungs. You can contract this air borne infection when you breathe in the droplets that have been sneezed or coughed out by an infected person. Anyone can get pulmonary tuberculosis, but the[...]
How to Gain Weight Even with Fast Metabolism
How to gain weight with a fast metabolismMetabolism is the process where food is converted into energy and heat. It is the method used by the body to generate energy. Energy is required for every single body process, be it the tiniest production of cells or intensive exercise. Metabolism occurs[...]
Diet For Treating Bed Sores
Is there any specific diet for treating bed sores? Please specify food and measures for bed sore treatment[...]