Weight loss for Diabetics
Diet Pills And Diabetes: What are Diet Pills And Diabetes. Would it help me lose some weight and also control my diabetes?[...]
Recommended List of Good and Bad Carbohydrates
Carbohydrates ListCarbohydrates are known to be the primary source of energy and fuel for the body required for the smooth functioning of the vital organs. The simple carbohydrates list is usually referred to as the bad carbohydrates list because simple carbohydrates are those that are easily broken down into sugar[...]
Information on Obesity and Men and Eating Disorders
Age and Obesity in Men and Women
I think, it’s the other way round! Though men gain weight, as they age, women gain more weight, especially after menopause due to hormonal imbalance. Sedentary work is one of the main reasons behind weight gain in late adulthood. There is a[...]
Diabetic Control Diet
Diabetes Diet Restrictions: Hi There. I am Harry and I have diabetes. I want to know the Diabetes Diet Restrictions.[...]
Enemas and Easy Ways to Lose Weight
Enema and Weight Loss Solutions
Losing weight with the help of enemas is a favorite option for people with eating disorders like anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa. It surely does help in weight loss but it is naturally not a healthy way to lose weight. If you are keen to[...]
Over Eating Disorders May Lead to Diabetes
Diabetes and eating disorder is a common calamitous disorder. The probability of a diabetic individual to suffer from bulimia or anorexia nervosa is more due to the raise in weight as a result of insulin use. Adolescents with diabetes are twice at risk of suffering from eating disorders. Parents play[...]
Practical Tips For Panic Attacks
Tips For Sudden Panic Attacks - Remedy For Pain
A panic attack is a sudden (or built over several hours) attack of intense fear which can trigger several reactions at a time. Generally there is no apparent reason for the development of a panic attacks, but they can be frightening. If[...]
Common Myths about Weight Loss or Proper Weight
A conscious effort to maintain a proper body weight, gives rise to certain inhibitions and misconceptions regarding weight loss. Fad diets are never recommended by nutritionists, as it results in weight recurrence and becomes difficult to abide by, due to monotony. Though, it assures immediate weight loss, inability to follow[...]
Diarrhea Treatment and Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Treatment for IBS and Irritable Bowel Syndrome Foods
Irritable bowel syndrome is a condition, which has a few embarrassing symptoms, such as bloating and flatulence, diarrhoea and constipation or either of them with cramps in the abdomen. Regulation of the condition helps in the improvement of the same. Irritable bowel[...]
Spice and Relax Your Life with Pole Dancing
Pole dancing is an art which is a combination of dancing and gymnastics. Over the last few years many art schools have recognized this form of dance hence its popularity is increasing. Pole dancing is a sensual dance performed on a vertical pole and many fitness centers now include pole[...]