
  • Juices for Hair Loss and Hangover Treatment
    Hair Loss This is often an inherited condition about which nothing much can be done. None the less a daily rub of the scalp with nettle juice is said to help as is: Spinach 10 II oz (275ml); lettuce 10 II oz (275ml) Consumed daily for at least 6 months[...]

  • Hepatitis - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Supplements and Diet Plan
    Hepatitis Diet, NutritionHepatitis is a disease that affects the liver. The liver is the largest gland in the body and is responsible for a number of functions. Some of these include digestion, detoxification, storage of energy, synthesis of proteins and the production of cholesterol and urea. Damage to the liver[...]

  • Energy Production with Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
    RiboflavinVitamin B2 or Riboflavin is an easily absorbed micro nutrient required for wide variety of cellular processes. Vitamin B2 is required, like all other vitamins in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Riboflavin plays an important role in energy production. Natural dietary sources of riboflavin are: asparagus, cottage cheese[...]

  • Gall Bladder Infections Causes and Treatment for Gall Bladder Problems
    Signs of Gall Bladder Problems and Gall Bladder Stones Treatment Gallbladder diseases include infection or inflammation of the gallbladder with or without the presence of stones or obstruction. Gallbladder is a small sac like organ located below the liver. The main function it performs is to store and concentrate the[...]

  • Orange Juice to Drink for Fast Fever Treatment
    Orange juice for feverJuices for fever treatment are one of the best methods of treatment, in spite of the various fever remedies available.  Fever is the elevation in the body temperature, resulting in decreased metabolism. Fever, generally subsides within three days, when treated properly. An all fruit diet or[...]

  • Home Remedies For Alcoholic Hepatitis | Types And Signs Of Hepatitis
    Hepatitis Natural Remedies And Alcoholic Hepatitis Cures The liver is a vital organ in the body responsible for the metabolism of alcohol among various other functions. Hence, it is the organ that is also the worst affected by alcohol intake making alcohol one of the main causes of liver damage[...]

  • Mononucleosis Treatment | Home Remedies To Treat Kissing Disease
    Mononucleosis TreatmentFor mononucleosis treatment, no specific therapy or treatment plan is followed. A doctor may prescribe some corticosteroids for the throat swelling. However antibiotics should never be taken to treat mononucleosis, because they do not react well with viral infections of this kind. It is also important to note that[...]

  • Vitamin a or Retinol for Better Eyes, Healthy Lungs, Skin and Stomach
    VITAMIN A (RETINOL) - For Better EyesightVitamin A or Retinol is found in foods of animal origin, while carotene is provided by foods of both plant and animal origin. Vitamin A is stored in the liver. About 80% of it is absorbed in the human system and the rest is thrown[...]

  • Dissolve Gallstones With Diet For Gallstones
    Diet For Gallstones And Gallstone Removal Diet My uncle got calculus size 12 mm in the gall bladder. His age is 42 yrs and it is freely moving. Is surgery essential? Please suggest a proper diet for it. Gallbladder stones, or cholelithiasis refers to a condition in which bile stones[...]

  • Home Remedies For Mononucleosis | Mononucleosis Treatment And Effective Home Remedies
    Mononucleosis Home Remedies And Natural Cures Mononucleosis is caused by the Epstein-Barr Virus and is highly infectious. The condition is also known as Pfeiffer’s disease, glandular fever and kissing disease. The disease is transmitted through saliva that has been infected with the virus. Mononucleosis affects the respiratory system[...]

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