
  • Dark Chocolate Health Benefits and Effects
    Dark Chocolate And Health Benefits Chocolate Contains cocoa and sugars and that’s the reason it has been categorized to have a negative impact on the body. That is what everybody believes. But certain chocolate effects on the body are positive and this assists in healthy heart functions. Dark chocolates[...]

  • Home Remedies For Rashes On Skin | Mint Poultice For Rash
    Home Remedies For Rashes On Skin | Mint Poultice For Rash Mint also goes by other names like fish mint, spear mint, Garden Mint, Green Mint, Mackerel Mint Lamb Mint, Sage of Bethlehem, Spearmint and Spire Mint. Mint is known to contain a number of different vitamins and minerals that are[...]

  • Home Remedies For Scary Rashes | Mint Poultice For Rash Treatment
    Mint And Health Benefits Of Mint For Scary Rash Treatment Mint also goes by other names like fish mint, spear mint, Garden Mint, Green Mint, Mackerel Mint Lamb Mint, Sage of Bethlehem, Spearmint and Spire Mint. Mint is known to contain a number of different vitamins and minerals that are[...]

  • Home Remedies for Menopause | Natural Treatment | First Signs of Menopause
    Home Remedies for Menopause Menopause is a natural part in the biological cycle of all women. It signifies the time when their childbearing years end. This process may start as early as when a woman is in her thirties, and can continue into her sixties. Menopause is not an illness[...]

  • Health Benefits of Lemon and Lettuce Juices
    LEMON Citrus limoniaLemonade has been used as a refreshing drink since the rule of the Moguls in India. It has excellent cooling properties and can also be used with water and sugar to treat fevers. The high Vitamin C content has also been used to treat scurvy among sailors since[...]

  • How to Get Back Into Your Clothes with Walking Exercise
    Beauty Benefits of WalkingWalking regularly improves digestion, circulation, night’s sleep, eases tension and stress lines around the eyes disappear. It improves posture, figure and complexion. Acne problems are also reduced due to increased blood circulation. Muscles get toned and become firm. Stomach flattens, calves and thighs become trim[...]

  • Itchy Eyes - Causes, Diet and Home Remedies for Relief
    It is common to feel an itching or burning sensation in the eyes. Our eyes are subjected to an increasing amount of stress due to staring for prolonged intervals at the screens of our computers and TV. When the eyes are used continuously all through the day, it is only[...]

  • Health Benefits, Medicinal Uses and Side Effects of Walnut
    Walnut Benefits The word ‘walnut’ is believed to be derived from the Old German and Old English words ‘wal’ and ‘wealhhnutu’, respectively. In Old English, the word ‘wealh’ simply means ‘foreign’ and ‘nutu’, means ‘nut’, literally[...]

  • Pears - Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts and Side Effects
    Pears Health Benefits & NutritionPears belong to the rose family and are closely related to apples. They have a characteristic shape with a round, wide bottom and a tapering top. Pears come in different varieties and colors such as brown, green, yellow and red. Pears are nutritious fruits which are[...]

  • Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts and Side Effects of Cane Juice
    Cane Juice Health BenefitsSugar in its raw form can actually be beneficial for us. It contains vitamins and minerals that our bodies need. It is the processed, white sugar that has been stripped of all valuable stuff that needs to be steered clear of. Cane juice has become increasingly popular[...]

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