
  • Ginkgo Biloba Side Effects and Health Benefits
    GinkgoGinkgo is one of the best selling herbs today in United States and is used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is also one of the oldest, long living tree species and most extensively studied herb. Ginkgo seeds are occasionally cooked and eaten (which should not be practiced[...]

  • Shrimp Diet - Proteins, Selenium, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D
    Shrimp protein dietAlthough small in size shrimps have a large appeal and a delicious crisp taste. It is one of the most popular sea foods, next to canned tuna in the United States and can be served steaming hot or cold. Frozen shrimps are available throughout the year. Shrimps are[...]

  • Body Pain Due to Weakness, Cough and Fever - Diet to Be Followed
    Body pain due to stress and depression: Please suggest remedy for body pain, body weakness, cough & fever along with diet to be taken during such conditions.Body pain along with fatigue can occur due to the presence of certain viruses. Sometimes body pain can also occur due to depression[...]

  • Bipolar Disorder Causes | Bipolar Disorder Facts And Medication
    Bipolar Disorder Causes- So what are the possible causes of bipolar disorder? Here are some of the reasons that have been put forth after extensive research on this disorder.[...]

  • Aromatherapy Essential Oils for Fibromyalgia Pain Relief
    Fibromyalgia Pain ReliefFibromyalgia is a serious medical condition about which not much is still known. Though the symptoms of this disorder are hard to identify, with the proper diagnostic techniques, patients can be diagnosed and given the correct treatment. Unfortunately, doctors have not yet found a way to completely cure[...]

  • Signs and symptoms of bulimia include negative body image with purging and bingeing
    Signs and Symptoms of BulimiaBulimia is an improper weight loss tactic. It is a common eating disorder seen commonly in the adolescents, to maintain a below the average weight, analogous to their role models, like models, actors and so on. 80% of bulimics are women. Electrolyte imbalance causes deficiency in[...]

  • Home Remedies For Female Sterility | Infertility Treatment And Natural Cures
    Female Infertility Treatment And Effective Home Remedies Female sterility refers to that condition where females are unable to conceive and give birth to a baby. It can be caused due to any physical defect, where there could be loss of essential glands or reproductive organs; or a functional fault such[...]

  • Home Remedies for Insomnia | Treating Insomnia | Natural Treatment
    Home Remedies for Treating Insomnia All of us need anywhere between seven to nine hours of sleep every night. But if you have insomnia, then you probably aren’t getting enough sleep every night. Lack of enough sleep at night can make you feel drowsy and lethargic throughout the next[...]

  • Work Out Plan For Women | Strength Training For Women
    Women Work Out Plan For Weight Reduction Being overweight is not just a physical setback for women; it has tremendous psychological implications as well. Women are particularly conscious about their physical appearance and the right body weight is considered to be one of the prerequisites for good looks. As such[...]

  • Teenage Weight loss with few lifestyle changes, dietary habits
    Teenage Weight loss for stomach and breast fats: I am 19 years old boy. My no is increasing in fat except stomach and brest. Tell me the idea to reduce it?[...]

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