rheumatoid arthritis diet

  • Sage extract to treat mouth inflammation, sore throat, coughs and gingivitis
    Sage HerbsSage has a sweet, yet soft memorable flavor and fragrance along with its promising health promoting benefits. The international herb association awarded sage with the title of ‘herb of the year’ in the year 2001. Sage is available throughout the year in whole, dried or powdered form[...]

  • Chili Pepper | Cayenne Pepper
    Cayenne PepperCayenne pepper, also referred to as chili pepper is spicy and is a vital part of every seasoning. It belongs to the capsicum family. It was primarily grown in a French town and is botanically known as Capsicum frutenscens. Capsaicin is the chemical component contributing to the spicy nature[...]

  • Prunes - Dried European Plums Health Benefits
    Prune are PlumsPrunes are the dried version of the European plums. Prunes have a sticky chewy texture with deep sweet taste and are nutritious fruits that are extremely fun to eat. Like other dried fruits, prunes are available year round and its name has been officially changed to dried plum[...]

  • Vitamin K Source - Swiss Chard and Its Benefits
    Swiss ChardSwiss chard often referred as ‘greens’ is one of the leafy vegetable with bitter, pungent and slight salty taste. Swiss chard belongs to the same family for spinach and beets and shares similar characteristics and taste profile. It is available in the superstores all around the year[...]

  • Advice for Leg Aches | Leg Pain | Leg Pain Causes & Remedy | Aches And Pains In Legs
    Leg pain can occur due to various reasons such as injury, conditions that affect ligaments, tendons, bone joints, blood vessels, skin and nerves. Symptoms of leg pain generally depend on the cause; they also depend on the individual situation.[...]

  • Juices for Arteriosclerosis and Arthritis Treatment
    Arteries (Arteriosclerosis) Keep an eye on your weight. Use a diet rich in polyunsaturated oils and low in hard fats. Exercise gently and regularly - swimming, cycling or jog¬ging are suitable. Vitamin E is thought by many to be valuable. Try to avoid sugar and refined foods.Take one[...]

  • Black Cohosh Health Benefits and Side Effects
    Black CohoshBlack cohosh is an herb native to North America and is popular as an alternative to hormonal therapy. The primary use of black cohosh is to alleviate menopause symptoms like mood swings, hot flashes, palpitations, vaginal dryness and diaphoresis possibly for up to six months. This therapeutic activity of[...]

  • Uveitis - Causes, Treatment and Side Effects
    Uveitis Symptoms, Clinical SignsUveitis is an eye condition which is characterized by irritation and swelling of the uvea. The uvea which is also known as the uveal tract is located in the centre layer of the eye. It lies under the sclera, which is the white portion of the eye[...]

  • Dietary Tips and Treatment for Osteoarthritis
    Osteoarthritis Disease And Osteoarthritis TreatmentOsteoarthritis is one of the most prevalent types of arthritis. It is a degenerative joint disease which affects cartilage- the slippery tissue covering the end of bones in joints. This degeneration causes bones to rub against each other leading to pain, swelling and loss of motion[...]

  • Vitamins and Minerals We Obtain from Kiwifruit
    KiwifruitKiwifruit is loaded with vitamin C so as in equivalent amounts of that of orange. New Zealand kiwifruit is available in the market June through October and fresh California kiwifruit is available from November through May, making kiwis available all round the year. Kiwi is a small fruit weighing approximately[...]

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