Nephritis Diet Treatment Nephritis is a kidney disease. A person suffering from nephritis has inflamed kidneys. This disease is caused due to auto-immune health complications, infections and other toxins. Nephritis is of different types. Lupus nephritis is an auto-immune disease.
Interstitial nephritis is renal tubule inflammation. Glomerulonephritis is glomeruli inflammation. Glomeruli are those capillaries that help in urine production inflammation. Lastly, pyelonephritis is severe UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. Symptoms of nephritis differ from patient to patient depending on the kind of nephritis he or she is suffering from. Main symptoms are dark urine, decrease in urine, and swelling of body tissues, fatigue and headaches. Severe nephritis symptoms include vomiting, pain in the joints and abdomen. If these are ignored a person may even suffer from a kidney failure. People suffering from this kidney disease often undergo a nephritis diet treatment. Nephritis Foods to Eat, Avoid
Often the patient is put on a low sodium, low potassium, low protein, low fat, low phosphorus and high vitamin diet. The patient is advised to consume only vegetable juice for the first week. This will help cleanse the bladder and get rid of toxins from the body. After the “veggie juice week”, the patient can have a fruit diet for around 4 to 5 days. Thereafter, a milk and fruit diet should be adopted for another week or so. Finally, the patient can gradually have a vegetarian diet for a couple of months till nephritis is completely wiped away. Nephritis nutrition includes foods like carrot, cucumber, celery, oranges, pineapples, grapes, peaches, apples, raw goat milk and nuts. Nephritis recipes can be made interesting by adding bananas, avocados, papayas, asparagus and parsley. These foods soothe the kidneys. Coconut water can be added to this diet as it is a good diuretic. Tobacco, alcohol, white bread, caffeine, spicy, oily and fried foods, pickles, sauces, refined and processed foods, sugar and confectionary items and heavy meats are the nephritis foods to be avoided completely. The link between nephritis and food allergies is not always clear. However, foods containing oxalic acid are a big no-no. Oxalic acid is found in chocolates, cocoa and cocoa products, spinach, rhubarb and table salt, therefore the patient must be careful not to have any of these.
A lupus nephritis diet can include carrot and coconut juices. These can be taken as often as possible. Grapes are also diuretic and have high water content. A low protein vegetarian diet must be followed by a person suffering from lupus nephritis. Moreover, he or she must have small frequent meals per day. A glomerulonephritis diet plan will typically restrict fluids in order to make the kidneys take it easy -Fluids from fruits, soups and ice cream is advised instead. This diet will also necessarily limit the phosphorus intake. Milk, yogurt, peas, nuts and beans contain phosphorus and must be avoided. An interstitial nephritis diet will be high in Vitamin B and calcium, but will be a low calorie diet. Fluid intake may also be restricted for patients suffering from interstitial nephritis. A pyelonephritis diet will encourage a lot of fluid intake. Patients are advised to drink a lot of water to be able to cleanse their bladder. Cranberry juice can also be had to cure pyelonephritis. The diet should not contain too much salt, oil and spices. A kidney nephritis diet will avoid all those foods that contain wastes and other substances that an ailing kidney cannot manage. The patient suffering from a kidney disease must meticulously follow a diet that has been outlined for him or her by his doctor. These diets are full on restrictions on calorie intake, fluid intake, protein, potassium, phosphorus and sodium intake.