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Piles DietPiles, also commonly referred to as hemorrhoids, can be described as a condition in which the veins present in the lower rectum area, or the anus get inflamed and swell up. Hence, a person who is suffering from piles experiences a severe amount of pain while passing stools. Piles can be of two types, internal piles and external poles and there are some people who can suffer from both. The most common factors that lead to the formation of piles are the aging process, pregnancy, chronic constipation, diarrhea, anal intercourse as well as a diet that is high in refined and processed food. Because piles can lead to a lot of discomfort, like severe pain, itchiness, irritation and bleeding not just while passing stools, but otherwise too, they need to be treated as soon as possible. The ideal diet for piles patient should be high in fiber rich foods; hence, there are many people who deice to follow an all-vegetable or fruit diet for piles. The piles diet plan that is recommended by most health experts helps treat not only piles, but also other problems related to the digestive tract, such as constipation, diverticulitis, colon polyps and colon cancer. In fact, an internal piles diet is the same as that recommended for external piles as well as other digestive problems. Given below are the foods included in a healthy diet for piles remedies: • Whole grain foods, such as bran cereals, which are rich sources of fiber and alleviate the strain applied while passing stools. Foods that are healthy include brown rice, bagels, English muffins, oatmeal, bran cereals, whole grain bread and whole wheat pasta People who suffer from bleeding piles on a regular basis should follow a proper bleeding piles diet that has been designed by a nutritionist and a doctor. In some cases, health experts may advise people to undergo surgery, in case medication and the diet for piles treatment is not very effective. Before following the high fiber diet for piles, as recommended, it is best to consult a doctor and get an approval. This is more important in case of people who are suffering from other medical conditions, or are elderly. Since pregnant women are likely to experience piles too, they may need to make certain dietary changes, to minimize the uncomfortable symptoms of this condition. However, before deciding to follow even the best diet for piles, it is essential for them to get a go ahead from their health care providers. Piles Food
Just like there are good foods for a piles patient, there are several that can aggravate the problem and therefore, should be avoided. The foods to avoid for piles are generally those that lead to severe constipation, thereby aggravating piles. • Caffeinated products, like coffee, tea, chocolate There are many tips on piles diets, foods to be eaten and avoided that are easily available through health articles and online resources. However, it is important for people to consult a doctor, before incorporating any of these tips. In case dietary and lifestyle changes do not bring about any relief from the problem of piles, people may need to start using medication for affliction. As a last resort, patients may need to consider undergoing a surgery for piles. Thereafter, care should be taken, to ensure that the problem does not recur. |
Submitted on January 16, 2014 |