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Healthy Diet Plans >>  Infant Feeding And Nutrition

Mothers Milk Improves Infants Muscle Tone

Breast feeding is an important initial aspect of infant feeding. Infants are first put on mother’s milk, especially colostrums, the first milk.  It is a natural phenomenon, initially unknown to the infant. Perseverance and patience from the mother's side is essential, for the baby to benefit. The position and the attitude during a feed enhances the bonding established between the mother and child. Suckling results in the 'let down' reflex, triggering milk production.

Colostrum is a yellowish, thick, sticky substance secreted, prior to milk production. It is rich in antibodies, helping to ward off infection. It is also a concentrated source of minerals and proteins.

Advice is available from everybody around, for a new born infant. A physician’s guidance is more recommended and reliable, though age old techniques might help, at times. Nipple chewing is an indication of the child wanting solid foods. Weaning foods are commenced from the fourth month. This is because of its inability to digest solid foods, prior to this. This also decreases the risk of food allergies. In addition to the mother’s milk, these foods aim at targeting the other necessities of a growing infant, such as, improving muscle tone and coordination. 

Weaning Infant From Mothers Milk


  • Weaning foods, such as mashed fruits, soft double-cooked cereals, cooked potatoes and yoghurt are recommended. Iron fortified nutrition is essential for the formation of hemoglobin, and thereby enhancing the oxygen and nutrients carrying capacity.
  • Finger foods (apple slices, peas, carrot slices) are introduced in the eighth month, to enable their eye-hand coordination.
  • Foods like spinach, fish, berries, corn and wheat might result in allergic reactions. These are made a part of the meal, after 9 months, when they are comfortable.
  • Take your time to adjust with the child’s varying requirements. Introduce one food at a time to improve infant nutrition. Mash them properly and sieve them for bigger pieces.
  • Carbohydrates are needed to compensate for the energy breakdown. Proteins and amino acids are essential for growth and infant development.  They are also required for connective tissue growth. 
  • Breast feeding poses the advantage of easily available, cost effective and sterile milk, possessing all the essential nutrients, in comparison. It also saves the mother from a variety of diseases, such as, colon cancer.
  • Infant formula available commercially in the market is of different features. They are not affordable by every part of the community. Proper sterilization of bottles is required, in the case of artificial feeds. Measuring feeds is another issue, in the case of bottle feeds.
All these breast feeding tips can help you provide great intimate care for your loved one. Bring up your child with tenderness, love and care. Be responsible and breast feed your baby for healthy living.

Why Babies Can't Have Cow's Milk Before Age One?

There are many reasons why babies cannot have cow’s milk before age one. Drinking cow’s milk before age 1 risks are well known. These risks are due to the fact that cow’s milk is not nutritious enough for children until they are 12 months of age. Cow’s milk before age 1 risks also include it being an irritant for infants. This milk can irritate the lining of the baby’s intestines. This could cause your baby to lose iron and lead to iron deficiency anemia. This is one of the major side effects of babies drinking cow’s milk before age 1.

When To Start Solid Foods For Infants?

A common question on the lips of new parents is when to start solid food for infants. Do not be in a rush to start off this solid food. A baby’s intestines take time to mature. Apart from this there are also certain signs to look out for if you are wondering when to start solid food for infants. Is your baby able to hold his or head straight, can your baby sit up straight without being supported, does he/she reach for food when you are eating? If your answer to the above is yes, then your baby is ready to start off on solid food. Keeping a solid food for newborn chart is not recommended.

How To Ease Baby's Growing Teeth?

There are several infant teething home remedies you can turn to solve your baby’s teething pain. Your baby’s teething pain and relief can be obtained by simply massaging your baby’s gums. Make sure your fingers are absolutely clean and then massage the gums. This will have a soothing effect and he/she will calm down. Another of the infant teething home remedies is to add a few drops of clove oil to edible oil and apply this to your baby’s gums. Use washcloths instead of teething rings. Ensure that the washcloth has been refrigerated for a while, before you do so.
Submitted on January 16, 2014