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Kale Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts

There are numerous kale benefits but before we go on to talk about them, let us describe the kale vegetable itself. Kale is a cruciferous vegetable that belongs to the cabbage family. It is classified according to the type of leaf like curly kale and plain kale. When frosted, kale tastes sweet. It is also used for decorative purposes.

The health benefits of kale are as under:
  • This type of cabbage is rich in calcium and is also a rich source of various vitamins such as A, C, K, E.
  • Kale is a good antioxidant and helps to boost immunity. The vitamin A present in kale helps to maintain healthy bones and teeth.
  • The vitamin K present in this vegetable helps the body fight against inflammatory problems like arthritis. This vitamin also helps in fighting against autoimmune disorders as well as asthma.
  • Kale also contains manganese which is good for one’s health.
  • The fiber content present in kale helps to reduce the sugar levels and cholesterol in the body. The fiber in kale also helps in digestion, aids with constipation problems and also helps to stop one from overeating.
  • The Vitamin C present in kale helps to lower blood pressure, and also helps the body fight against age related diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts.
  • As mentioned earlier, kale contains Vitamin E and is thus an effective antioxidant. Research has shown that eating kale on a regular basis helps to slow down the aging process as well as the decline in one’s mental ability.
  • The antioxidants present in kale help to fight against and prevent various types of cancers such colon, gastric, prostate, bladder and so on.
  • Kale also contains isothiocyanates which help to detoxify the body.

Kale Nutrition Facts

There are several kale nutrition facts and these are listed below:-
  • It is a good source of carotenoids which are good for the eyes. These carotenoids present in kale prevent damage to the eyes.
  • It contains sulforaphane, phytochemicals and indoles- all chemicals which have anti cancer properties. Sulforaphane also helps the body with detoxification.
  • It is rich in protein, minerals (lutein, iron and calcium) and vitamins like A, C, K and E. The beta carotene in kale works along with vitamin A to prevent cataracts in the eye. Both Vitamin A and Vitamin C help to promote good vision, good skin and keep the mucus membranes healthy as well.
  • The various nutrients in kale helps to strengthen the body and protect it from illnesses like anemia, osteoporosis, as cardiovascular disease as well.
  • It also contains flavonoids which have antioxidant benefits as well as anti-inflammatory properties.
  • It is also a rich source of calcium which is good for the human body.
  • It also contains Di-indolyl methane (metabolite); this metabolite also works as an anti bacterial and anti viral agent.

Weight Loss:

In today’s modern age, everyone is on the look out for foods that helps with weight loss. You might be wondering how eating kale for weight loss helps. Read on to find out more. Kale is considered a vegetable which has low calorie density. Studies have shown that one cup of cooked (and chopped) kale contains only 36 calories. Kale has high fiber content and this creates bulk which helps to keep a person full for a longer period of time. It is a well known fact that fiber helps one to avoid eating constantly as one feels full. Fiber also helps with digestion, and prevents water retention and bloating. Keep in mind that eating kale for weight loss will not only help in reducing and maintaining your desired weight, but you will also reap the other health benefits that this vegetable offers. It contains many nutrients, minerals and vitamins which are required for a healthy and slim body. This vegetable also contains nutrients which can help prevent diseases that are associated with obesity.


Doctors recommend kale for diabetics as this vegetable helps diabetics in maintaining the normal blood sugar levels. Kale for diabetics is advised as kale is rich in dietary fiber and low in calories. This combination helps diabetics to manage both their blood sugar and their weight. Studies have shown that one cup of kale contains enough fiber content to reduce sugar levels in the body.

Stomach Problems:

Doctors may recommend kale in diet for diarrhea treatment as kale is rich in fiber. The high fiber content in kale helps to cure diarrhea. This is the same reason why doctors may recommend kale for treating a constipation problem. Eating kale for digestion is advisable as the fiber in kale helps to remove toxin and waste from the body. This helps in keeping the body healthy. Furthermore, the fiber present in kale also help in treating people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Kale also cleanses your stomach which helps in easy digestion.

Kidney And Liver:

As mentioned earlier, there are many health benefits that come from eating kale and one of these include detoxifying the body. Kale for liver is recommended as kale contains sulforaphane which helps the liver to produce enzymes that detoxify chemicals that cause cancer.  Kale is a good source of Vitamin C too, which prevents the buildup of acid in the body. Eating kale regularly could help to prevent the formation of kidney stones which occur due to excessive build up of acid in the body.


Kale for allergies is recommended due to the fact that it contains nutrients that help to build up the body’s immunity. Kale is rich in Vitamin C, which is a natural antihistamine. Vitamin C also helps to relieve allergic symptoms. The vitamin A present in Kale is a powerful antioxidant and helps to keep the respiratory system working properly. Kale also contains flavonoids which help to reduce allergic reactions.


Anemia is most often caused by a deficiency of iron in the body. One way to combat this is by eating kale for anemia. Kale is a rich source of iron and can help to fight anemia. Drinking kale juice helps as well.

Sexual Disorders:

You may be advised to eat kale for fertility as research has shown that it helps with fertility problems. Kale also has numerous benefits for women and can help regulate estrogen. This is why eating kale for estrogen related problems may be recommended.

Submitted on January 16, 2014