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Vitamin C And Cancer

Submitted by Nick on January 31, 2011

Vitamin C And Cancer

Cancer is a progressive and aggressive condition that is extremely dangerous to the life of an individual. Cancer begins when abnormal cells form in the affected part of the body. Over a period of time, these cells grow and multiply to form tumors. As cancer progresses, the cancer cells kill healthy cells in the affected area of the body. When this happens, the functions normally performed by that part of the body begin to be compromised.

Cancer progresses quickly, particularly in healthy individuals. When the condition reaches an advanced stage, the cancer cells begin to spread across the body. When this happens, the chances of an individual surviving are extremely low.

Cancer treatment can be successful, but the success depends entirely on how quickly the condition is diagnosed and subsequently dealt with. Success rates fall dramatically as time progresses.

Free radicals are known to cause damage to cells over a period of time which is what is understood to be responsible for the initial development of cancer.

Cells damaged by free radicals are either vulnerable to attack or are responsible for the condition developing in the first place. Therefore, anti-oxidants are believed to help with eliminating or controlling free radicals in the body.

Vitamins are vital for the human body to help it perform many different tasks that are basic requirements for the maintenance of life.

Deficiency of certain vitamins can even cause life threatening illnesses. In most cases, the absolute quantity of vitamins required by the body is very low, but this does not mean that an individual can do without it.
Cancer treatment involves many different techniques such as radiation and chemotherapy. The use of vitamin c for cancer treatment is also important. Vitamin c is usually found in citrus fruits and other such sources. This vitamin is vital for the body’s ability to absorb calcium, one of the minerals used in bone development. Therefore, a vitamin c deficiency is associated with osteoporosis over the long term. When it comes to vitamin c and cancer, the relationship between the two is quite interesting. Vitamin c is a proven antioxidant. As explained above, antioxidants are known to help with eliminating free radicals that are believed to be responsible to some extent for cancer development.
Another important part of the relationship between vitamin c and cancer is the contribution that vitamin c makes to collagen formation. This means that the health of the cells is automatically better. Research suggests that the breakdown of collagen is responsible for allowing tumors to grow which is why vitamin c and cancer are now greatly related. Finally, vitamin c boosts the immune system. A strong immune system will help the individual fight against cancer. Therefore vitamin c cancer therapy has become more and more popular amongst doctors and patients.

It should be noted that vitamin c cancer therapy is only a therapeutic solution for the condition and is unlikely to cure the condition. The use of vitamin c for cancer treatment is applicable as a supplement to other treatments that are being performed. Tumors are either treated with radiation or by surgical removal. During the treatment process one may use vitamin c cancer therapy to help boost the body as it fights against this life threatening condition. 

As with all nutrients in the body, the use of vitamin c alone may not yield any results for the individual. This is because the body requires a balanced diet for it to be healthy. Therefore, the use of vitamin c for cancer treatment is only effective in individuals who follow a good diet and are doing what they can to keep the body fit and healthy.
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