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Increase Breast Milk Production
Are there any foods that could help in increasing breast milk naturally?
Why does beer increase breast milk production?Although many people have questioned the effectiveness of drinking beer for breast milk production, some studies show that consumption of beer is actually helpful for lactating mothers who want to increase their breast milk supply. Beer has the ability to increase prolactin levels in non-lactating women and this could be because of the yeast and B vitamins contained in beer. However since alcohol consumption is not healthy during the breastfeeding period it would be a better option to use non-alcoholic beer instead which also has the same advantages. According to many people it is a good idea to drink beer for increasing breast milk supply because beer is made from barley and the polysaccharide contained in barley is responsible for stimulating the production of prolactin. However the downside of drinking beer for breast milk supply is that even though the milk production in non-lactating mothers increases, their babies tend to drink lesser milk mainly due to the alcohol contained in the beer. Alcohol consumption can be harmful for the baby if it not consumed in moderation and therefore doctors seldom actually recommend drinking any alcoholic beverages to increase milk supply. Therefore it is best to consult a doctor before trying any such methods on your own. |
Submitted by N on July 27, 2011 at 11:42 | |
Can herbal supplements help in increasing breast milk supply?
When using herbs for breast milk production such as in the case of fenugreek, it is important to make sure that you consult your doctor before trying any of these options and to identify if you have any allergies that are likely to cause complications in your body. |
Submitted by N on July 21, 2011 at 11:41 | |
Does dieting affect breast milk production?Many women who are nursing are curious to know if dieting will affect the quality and quantity of breast milk production. In such cases one should understand that as far as possible nursing mothers should not take up dieting and should not count calories as most women who are breastfeeding tend to feel hungrier and need an added intake of calories. Research has shown that women should not consider dieting for almost three months after their child is born as they require as much energy as possible to deal with the new baby and also to meet the nutritional needs of the child. Dieting and breast milk production are known to be related and hence nursing mothers should first try and establish a healthy supply of breast milk for their baby before they think of making any drastic changes to their diet. In fact nursing mothers should refrain from dieting before the supply of milk has been well established as this may result in adverse effects in the breast milk production. Research has also shown that dieting and breast milk supply are connected and in fact a drastic loss of weight results in the release of fat soluble toxins in to the mother’s breast milk which could be harmful to the baby. |
Submitted by N on July 16, 2011 at 11:40 | |
Does oatmeal increase breast milk production?It is a well-known fact that breast milk is the healthiest form of nutrition for any baby and therefore, most mothers are encouraged to breastfeed their babies for as long as possible. However, this is easier for some mothers, as compared to others, mainly because the production of milk differs from one woman to the other. In case you do not get enough milk to satisfy your baby’s appetite, rest assured that you are not alone; this is a problem faced by thousands of women around the world. Fortunately, there are several ways in which you can increase your supply of milk. One of the first things you need to do is evaluate your diet. There are certain foods that are excellent for nursing mothers, who would like to increase the amount of milk they get. Many nutritionists recommend the consumption of oatmeal for breast milk production. There are several nursing moms who swear by this remedy as they have seen the connection between oatmeal and breast milk supply. On the days they eat the required amount of plain and unflavored oatmeal, they usually manage to feed their babies properly; however, on those occasions where they do not eat oatmeal, they notice that they milk supply reduces a lot. Therefore, nursing mothers who do have limited milk supply should try eating oatmeal to increase breast milk. Health experts are still not sure on how exactly the use of oatmeal for breast milk production works. However, one of the possible explanations is that oatmeal is high in iron and can prevent maternal anemia, which is one of the main conditions leading to reduction in milk supply. Moreover, many women feel comfortable after eating oatmeal and anything that can increase the feeling of relaxation in a nursing mother, is good for the production of milk. When eating oatmeal to increase breast milk, you need to ensure that you eat the right amount. It is best to stick to one bowl of hot oatmeal in a day. It is said that the instant variety is not as effective in increasing breast milk, as compared to the slow-cooked oatmeal. Side effects from the consumption of oatmeal are rare, but it is best to consult a doctor, before you add this remedy to your daily diet. In case you suffer from gluten sensitivity then it is best for you to avoid oatmeal completely. |
Submitted by N on July 12, 2011 at 11:39 | |
It is of prime importance that a mother’s body produces enough milk to feed her child properly. A number of breast feeding mothers will tend to reduce feeds or wean earlier than they would like as this change occurs naturally. Some women may also need to reduce feeds early due to work commitments. It is important to understand that there are no specific foods that will help stimulate milk production, but there are a few that will help with milk production. Moreover, it is important to note that the longer a baby is able to nurse on the breast, in the right position and properly latched, the higher the quantity of milk that is produced. This is primarily because of the fact that the suckling action will actually massage the breast into producing more milk. Also keep in mind to never stop feeding the baby prematurely as it will affect your body’s natural control mechanisms that are in charge of the production of milk. The portion of milk that the baby consumes towards the health of its feed is essential in that it contains some of the very healthy fatty substances that are very important for growth and weight gain. Increasing Breast Milk Supply / Production: There are a number of changes you can make to your lifestyle to help boost the production of milk in the body. Stress is considered to be one of the most influential factors when it comes to the quantity of milk produced and, as a result, controlling the stress levels in your life will help control the production of milk more effectively. Drinking plenty of water is a must as the body requires a significant amount of fluid intake in order to produce milk. Avoid consuming a diet that is heavy with quick foods or any drinks that contain caffeine as they are known to impact the production of milk in the body. For a number of years, beer was touted to be a very effective stimulant in the production of breast milk. However, after years of research, evidence suggests that babies are not very fond of alcoholic breast milk and, in reality, drink much less quantities of it – which in turn leads to a reduction in the amount of milk produced by the body. There are also several negative effects associated with alcohol consumption while breastfeeding. Fenugreek is regarded as an excellent way to regularize and increase breast milk production and so you can include this herb in your daily meals. |
Submitted by R B on July 15, 2010 at 02:41 | |
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