Healthy Diet Plans >> Caffeine >> Green Tea Caffeine |
Caffeine In Green TeaGreen tea caffeine content can be answered simply by saying that its caffeine content is much lower than most morning beverages like coffee and hot cocoa. Green tea caffeine content is about 30 mg of caffeine per 240 ml cup, while regular brewed coffee contains about 100mg. It is thus healthier to include green tea or Camellia sinesis in your everyday diet to help protect your health. It is best to have green tea that has been freshly made from leaves that have been preserved correctly. Green Tea For Cancer And HeartA study conducted in Japan found that green tea reduced the recurrence of Stage I and Stage II cancer. Studies conducted in China have revealed that increasing consumption of green tea reduced the risk of developing esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and colorectal cancer. Health Benefits Of Green TeaGreen tea is a popular beverage that is prepared from the dried leaves of a perennial shrub, Camellia sinensis. Oolong tea, black tea, and green tea are all derived from the same plant though there may be varieties that are dependent upon the region where the tea is grown and the form and processing method of the tea. Several studies have been conducted to investigate the various health benefits of consuming green tea. It is known to be a healthy addition to the everyday diet and is proven to have several health benefits in addition to curing specific disorders. Some of the most common studies conducted on the health benefits of green tea have been about its ability to fight heart disease and cancer. In addition, green tea is also known to play a role in lowering cholesterol and preventing the risk of stroke and diabetes. Green tea also helps burn fat and is effective in the treatment of dementia. Green tea’s health benefits can be primarily attributed to its rich antioxidant content. Green contains integral compounds and antioxidants that are responsible for the maintenance of good health. The powerful oxidants present in green tea are called catechins and are responsible for eliminating free radicals. These free radicals can cause DNA damage and can contribute to the development of serious disorders like atherosclerosis, cancer and blood clots. Green tea thus helps maintain good health by keeping free radicals under control. In addition, green tea is processed minimally and its antioxidant content is therefore better preserved. Black and oolong teas are made by fermenting their leaves, which makes them lose some degree of potency in terms of their catechins content. Green tea leaves however, are not processed, but are rather, withered and steamed, thereby retaining its antioxidant content. |
Submitted on January 16, 2014 |