
  • Home Remedies For Bipolar Disorder | Treating Bipolar Disorder With Natural Remedies
    Bipolar Disorder Treatments And Bipolar Natural Cures Bipolar disorder is a serious mood disorder characterized by mood swings varying from an abnormally elevated mood to an extremely depressed state, thus exhibiting behaviors that are poles apart. Elevated mood is referred to as mania and a milder form is hypomania. These[...]

  • Home Remedies For Addison's Disease | Addisons Treatment With Natural Cures
    Addisons Disease Natural Treatment Addison’s disease or chronic adrenal insufficiency is a rare endocrine disorder wherein the adrenal glands face a partial or complete inability to produce steroid hormones that are essential for the proper functioning of the body. Cortisol is one of these hormones, linked with various functions[...]

  • Diet Plan For Diabetes And Special Diet For Kidney Stones
    Diabetes Crash Diet Plan And Diet For The Prevention Of Kidney Stones Hi, my father is 65 years old, recently his bone above ankle has been removed due to diabetes. I would like to know the diet plan for him. He also has stones in his kidneys. Please let me[...]

  • Cooling Off From Night Sweats And Sleep Apnea
    Have Freedom From Night Sweats And Sleep Disorders A restful and comfortable night’s sleep is very necessary for a healthy life. However, diseases like night sweats and sleep apnea disturbs the process of normal sleeping patterns. These two commonly occurring diseases are discussed below in detail. Night sweats are[...]

  • Low Calorie Diet For Heart Attack And Diet For Obesity
    Diet For Obesity And Low Carbohydrate Diet For Heart Patients My family has the history of heart attack and in physique all are bit obese. Can you suggest a healthy dietary regime for us. Hi! I understand your anxiety. Obesity is one of the leading factors, which contribute to heart[...]

  • What You Need to Know about Serotonin Supplements?
    Serotonin SupplementsSerotonin is a hormone that is naturally found in the brain of all humans being. This hormone is also present in the platelets and the digestive tract of all living beings, including humans. It transmits the nerve impulses within the human body and therefore it has been categorized as[...]

  • Causes, Symptoms and Treatment for Low Blood Sugar
    Low Blood SugarLow blood sugar symptoms are trembling, rapid heart rate. Causes are eating too small meals or skipping meals. For treatment, healthy and nutritious diet plan should be followed.What is a Low Blood Sugar Level? The human brain depends on glucose, in order to function properly, at all[...]

  • Calories Burned Chewing Gum - Benefits for Face Fat Loss
    How Many Calories Burnt Chewing GumChewing a piece of gum not only fills your mouth with freshness, but also helps you lose some calories and increases oral health. It has been found that even cavemen chewed tree raisin. They did this to clean their teeth, improve the odor of their[...]

  • Graves Disease Natural Cures and Effective Home Remedies
    Graves Disease Natural Cures And Effective Home RemediesGrave’s disease results from over-activity of the thyroid gland or hyperthyroidism. The thyroid hormones are involved in the regulation of metabolism. They are control body temperature and are necessary for proper growth of the body and for fertility. However, when[...]

  • Kava Remedy for Relaxation Without Addiction
    Kava Kava Kava or Kava is a pepper like plant which grows in the South Pacific region. This plant was first discovered by the sea farer and explorer James Cook. Though, th world found about this herb quite late, it has been used by the local Hawaiians for abut 3000[...]

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