Diet After Surviving Heart Attack
Heart attack can recur as per my knowledge. What should be the diet for the patients who have survived after first heart attack. What care should be taken for them?[...]
Eating Disorders in Men: Facts and Heath Advices
Eating Disorders in MalesEating disorders in males is similar to female eating disorder. They also get anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Few of them engage themselves in bingeing and compulsive eating. Research reveals that males suffering from anorexia are in the ratio of 1:4 to females and 1:8[...]
Home Remedies For Vaginal Dryness | Treatment | Causes of Vaginal Dryness
Home Remedies For Vaginal Lubrication Dryness
Vaginal dryness is a common problem faced by several women. Vaginal dryness tends to be very uncomfortable and may be accompanied by symptoms like itching and redness. If you have been experiencing dryness for some time, despite efforts to treat the condition at home[...]
Home Remedies for Itching | Treatment for Pruritis | Cause of Itching
Home Remedies for Itching
Itching, also known as pruritis, is a skin condition that is not associated with a specific condition, but is considered more to be a prominent symptom of a number of underlying conditions. Medical research considers the signals sent to the brain when itching occurs or pain[...]
Improve Sexual Vigor With Evening Primrose Oil | Evening Primrose Oil Sex
Evening Primrose Oil Sex - Primrose oil is one of the most commonly used and preferred fertility aids used by most women as primrose oil is known to make the cervical mucus more fertile and improve the overall quality of the cervical mucus.[...]
Home Remedies for Loss of Appetite | Cure | Causes of Loss of Appetite
Home Remedies for Loss of Appetite
Causes of Loss of Appetite: There are many reasons that cause lack of appetite or reduction in appetite. These reasons can be linked to not only physical health but also mental/emotional frame of mind. Apart from serious health conditions and eating disorders, some[...]
Treatments - Cures for Premature Ejaculation: Natural Remedies
Premature Ejaculation Natural Remedies
One of the most common sexual problems that men face is premature ejaculation, which is the discharge of semen from the penis rather early during sexual intercourse. The main reasons behind this problem include stress, anxiety and depression, aging, problems relating to the prostate gland and[...]
Anorexia nervosa : An Eating Disorder
Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder which has a psychological basis. An individual with anorexia strives to gain control over life by controlling the amount of food she eats. It could also be a way to alleviate feelings of anger, anxiety or tension. The individual obsesses over a food a[...]
Using Herbs to Cure Acne, Stress and Other Serious Conditions
Herbal RemediesThere are several diseases and ailments that do not have any medical cure or treatment options. However, some of these diseases and conditions are managed to a great extent, with the help of home or herbal remedies. Various herbal remedies have become very popular around the world, as people[...]