
  • Evening Primrose Oil - Health Benefits and Side Effects
    Health Benefits of Evening Primrose OilEvening primrose oil is derived from a wildflower evening primrose that primarily grows in the mild climate of North America and Europe and other countries with similar climate. Evening primrose plant blooms throughout the summer, but its flowers last only for a day wherein they[...]

  • The Tropical Fern Polypodium Leucotomos Extract
    Polypodium LeucotomosPolypodium leucotomos extracts have been used for ages and comes from a tropical fern plant that grows in the South and Central America. The rhizome as well as the leaves and fronds of the plant are used to derive the extracts. Extracts of polypodium leucotomos are marketed and used[...]

  • Cold: Causes, Symptoms, Foods to Avoid and Treatment
    Cold Diet, FoodsCome winter and the cold-flu season starts, and the best way to keep the viruses away is to boost the body’s immune system by eating nutrient- rich balanced meals. A diet for cough and cold prevention starts way before the symptoms of common cold like[...]

  • Bromelain Health Benefits and Side Effects
    BromelainBromelain is a sulfur-containing protein digestive enzymes found in pineapples. It is classified as an herb and is extracted from the fruit and stem of the pineapple plant. Bromelain acts as an anti-inflammatory agent when taken on an empty stomach, and aids protein digestion when taken with meals[...]

  • Conjunctivitis (Sore Eyes) - Causes, Diet, Treatment and Prevention
    Sore Eyes: ConjunctivitisOne of the reasons for sore eyes could be viral conjunctivitis, which is an inflammatory and contagious eye condition. Sore eyes could also be due to bacterial conjunctivitis, or as a result of an allergic reaction. One may also experience sore eyes as a consequence of over straining[...]

  • Calendula - Information, Health Benefits and Side Effects
    CalendulaCalendula commonly known as marigold is used for medical purposes since centuries. It is important to be clear that not all houseplants called marigold belong to the calendula family. Although native to Mediterranean calendula is an ornamental plant that is grown throughout the world now. Calendula has high amounts of[...]

  • Mononucleosis Treatment | Home Remedies To Treat Kissing Disease
    Mononucleosis TreatmentFor mononucleosis treatment, no specific therapy or treatment plan is followed. A doctor may prescribe some corticosteroids for the throat swelling. However antibiotics should never be taken to treat mononucleosis, because they do not react well with viral infections of this kind. It is also important to note that[...]

  • Nutritional Value and Health Benefits of Pepper Mint
    Mint Health and Nutrition BenefitsMint is a popular plant that is commonly found in backyard gardens. It is a fragrant plant which is also easy to grow. It has become a popular treatment for digestion trouble, colic and even hiccups. The most popular types of mint are spearmint, peppermint and[...]

  • Dandelion: Facts, Uses and Health Benefits
    Benefits and uses of DandelionA dandelion is a flower head consisting of many tiny flowers. The dandelion is native to Europe and Asia, and has spread too many other places. It is a weed having culinary and medicinal uses. It is grown as a leafy vegetable, similar to mustard greens[...]

  • Tuberculosis - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
    Tuberculosis Tuberculosis is one of the most dreaded diseases. It is a major health problem in India and often rated the number one killer. It affects eight to nine million people at anyone time and over five lakh people die of this disease every year in this country. This disease[...]

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