
  • Indian Home Remedies | Cold and Cough | Diarrhea | Constipation
    Indian Home Remedies In India, home remedies have been used to treat health problems for several hundred years. Age old recipes are prepared with available ingredients to prepare remedies to treat coughs and colds, wounds, pimples, stomach ailments and a lot of other problems. Women have used ingredients such as[...]

  • Home Remedies For Throat Obstruction And Throat Infection
    Sore Throat And Throat Mucus Treatment A throat obstruction results when a piece of food or any other substance becomes trapped in the throat. This generally occurs when a fish bone or a chicken bone gets lodged in the throat. The back area of the mouth has two openings. One[...]

  • Home Remedies For Flu And Cold | Garlic For Cold And Flu Treatment
    Garlic Health Benefits For Treating Cold Cold and flu is a condition that will typically last for a week and can leave you feeling extremely miserable. Cold and flu both are viruses of the respiratory tract and though the symptoms are similar, flu is more serious condition. Flu is the[...]

  • Home Remedies For Tuberculosis | Treatment Of Tuberculosis
    Tuberculosis Infection Treatment And Tuberculosis Home Remedies Tuberculosis or TB is a very contagious disease that is caused due to an infection to one’s lungs. Just like a common cold, TB is spread through the air. When an infected person sneezes, talks, spits or coughs, they transmit the TB[...]

  • Medicinal Properties and Uses of Eucalyptus Oil
    Eucalyptus OilEucalyptus oil is very famous for its peculiar aroma and is derived from the leaves and branches of eucalyptus tree. The oil has various medicinal properties and is commonly used as a decongestant for upper respiratory tract infections and to relieve muscular and joint pain. Eucalyptus oil forms one[...]

  • Temperature and Cold Hives or Allergy - Treatment
    Cold temperatures trigger cold hives: I am 27 years old and suffering with cold allergy for last 3 years.It may sound strange but yes it is possible to have an allergy of cold. Cold allergy is often known as cold hives or utricaria in medical language. In cold allergy[...]

  • Epidemic Disease | Fatal Epidemic Disease - Symptoms And Treatment For Epidemic Disease
    Epidemic Disease : How To Prevent Spread Of Epidemic Diseases? What is an epidemic disease? Epidemic is a term which denotes widespread or widely prevalent. A disease, which spreads rapidly and over a wide area, in a very short span of time, is termed an epidemic disease. In the past diseases[...]

  • Health Benefits and Side Effects of Pennyroyal
    PennyroyalPennyroyal is a small aromatic herb and belongs to the mint family. Due to its medical properties, the herb has being used since ancient times, but has become a subject of controversy today involving death and government regulations. The active ingredient in pennyroyal plant is the volatile oil and pulegone[...]

  • Healing Benefits of Marshmallow
    MarshmallowDried root and leaves (peeled or unpeeled) of marshmallow are used in herbal preparations and leaf and roots of marshmallow are used in commercial preparations. According to the time of collection the actual mucilaginous content in a commercial product would vary. Marshmallow is not assessed alone for its safety and[...]

  • Malaria Virus | Malaria Symptoms, Treatment | Recovering From Malaria
    Malaria virus - The most common symptoms of malaria are headaches, muscle pain, chills and shivering as well as fever.Preventive measures include avoiding areas that have been recently populated with mosquitoes.[...]

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