caffeine - How Much Caffeine Should You Have Everyday
How Much Caffeine Should You Have Everyday
Caffeine AddictionCaffeine is one of the most commonly consumed and cherished beverages the world over and plays a vital role in the daily schedule of a number of individuals. You will notice a number of people making it a point to have their morning cup of coffee, one of the[...]
Negative Effects Of Caffeine | Short & Long Term Risks, Dangers Of Caffeine
Effects Of CaffeineDue to a fast paced lifestyle, most people often skip a healthy breakfast and prefer to grab a quick cup of coffee on the way to work. With the easy availability of caffeinated products, more and more people are falling prey to caffeine addiction. While there are many[...]
Weight Loss for Men Diet Pills | Best Weight Loss Pills For Men
What is the best weight loss pill for you and how do you choose the best weight loss pill on the market?Basically, diet pills are generally either appetite suppressants or they contain fat absorption inhibitors.[...]
Benefits of Drinking Coffee and Diet for Fatigue
Fatigue can broadly be defined as mental or physical exhaustion. It is considered a negative force, and under severe conditions can be completely debilitating. Fatigue leads to a feeling of tiredness and lack of energy. Fatigue may have varied causes, but simply changing your diet and eating right may be[...]
Side Effects and Health Benefits of Black Tea
Black Tea benefits and side effectsThe leaves of camellia sinensis – a perennial evergreen shrub are allowed to dry and oxidize and black tea is made out of these dried leaves. Tea has a long history and served as a part of various ceremonies. Many people use tea to stay[...]
Foods to Avoid If You are Having Insomnia
The food we eat affects our bodies in a number of ways. There are some foods which negatively influence our sleep cycles, while there are some that have a sleep-inducing effect.Caffeine is a stimulant which affects different people in different ways. The effect of caffeine depends on the[...]