caffeine - Best Homemade Non Alcoholic Drinks for Kids
Best Homemade Non Alcoholic Drinks for Kids
Non Alcoholic Drinks Drinks are a big part of all cultures especially in a social context. Drinking socially includes drinking an alcoholic beverage. But there is also a big culture out there that does not include drinking alcohol. Such drinks are called non-alcoholic drinks. Non-alcoholic drinks comprise[...]
Diet Foods to Avoid for Treating Fibromyalgia
Diet For FibromyalgiaFibromyalgia is a condition in which the muscles and the connective tissue of the body experience a significant amount of pain. The disorder has been discovered recently and a lot of research is being carried on it. Yet, there is little ground that scientists have covered when[...]
Guarana Benefits, Side Effects, Nutritional Facts, Recommended Intake
Health Benefits Of GuaranaThe primary component of guarana is guaranine, a chemical substance that has similar properties as caffeine. The plant has been used since ancient times by native South American tribes. In fact, guarana contains more caffeine than coffee or cocoa beans. Guarana has been used to treat hypertension[...]
Diet Soda – Carbonated Beverages
Diet Soda: I have heard numerous reports on Diet Soda. What is a diet soda and how does it work?[...]
English Breakfast Tea Benefits, Calories, Ingredients and Recipes
What is English Breakfast Tea?While certainty of the origins of English breakfast tea is unknown, what is known for sure is that the tea is actually a blend of various different black teas. A typical English breakfast tea blend will consist of Ceylon and Assam teas. Other more exquisite[...]
Types of food cravings and causes are physiological and emotional
Beat Food CravingsFood cravings may have an association physiologically or emotionally.Carbohydrate cravings maybe caused by low Blood sugar. Hormonal fluctuations before menstrual period, starvation for several hours and emotional frustration may also be responsible. Complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole-grain cereal and high protein, non-fat milk[...]
Types and Benefits of Oolong Tea for Weight Loss
Oolong Tea For Weight LossA lot of researches have established that using oolong tea for weight loss can help you speed up your weight loss goals. Oolong tea is extracted from Camellia Sinensis, an aromatic flowering plant. The plant is most well-known for its healing chemicals and properties known[...]