gm vegetarian diet

  • All You Need to Know about Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss
    Vegetarian Diet Plan A vegetarian diet plan or a vegetarian meal plan may be of different types which can vary from one that may include only fruits, nuts, vegetables and beans on one hand and on the other may include milk, eggs and cheese. The vegan diet plan is also[...]

  • Diet Guidelines for Vegetarian Athlete: Facts and Heath Advices
    Eating Guide for Vegetarian AthletesVegetarianism may be followed by some athletes due to various reasons. An athlete can be vegan, ovo-vegetarian, lacto-ovo-vegetarian or fruitarian. Vegetarian diet can be followed by an athlete for religious beliefs, ethical, economical or health reasons. Some female athletes may switch to a[...]

  • Low Calorie Vegetarian Diet Plan and Recipes
    Turning to a vegetarian diet can be a good chance to change your eating habits and strive to bring about a change in your diet to include a low calorie diet. A vegetarian diet implies that you avoid all kinds of animal products and substitute that protein intake with other[...]

  • Underweight and Anemia Foods | Anemia Diet Plan | Anemic Meals
    Anemia diet - Advice for weight gain and anemic people helps them to choose the iron rich foods to overcome anaemia and helps them choose the right foods to overcom[...]

  • Free Vegetarian Recipes and Diet Plan for Weight Loss
    Free vegetarian recipesVegetarianism refers to the absence of meat, fish or any food that is derived from animals, from a person’s diet. It promotes a belief in the practice of eating strictly plant based foods, which include vegetables, fruits, cereal, nuts, grains and seeds. The main idea of[...]

  • Effective Pregnancy Diet Plan for Vegetarians
    Vegetarian pregnancy diet    There are many questions about the nutritive value of a vegetarian pregnancy diet. Some women fear that they and their baby may not be able to get the right kind of nutrition they require. But this is not true since most vitamins and minerals[...]

  • Protein Vegan Diet For Healthy Pregnancy | Protein Diet Information
    Protein Diet And Nutritional Requirement During PregnancyWhile you are pregnant, you have a greater nutritional requirement as you need to sustain both yourself as well as your baby.   You particularly need an additional amount of proteins for the formation of cells and tissues of the baby and also[...]

  • Vegetarian Protein Powder, Recipes | Vegetarian Protein Rich Foods
    Vegetarian ProteinProtein is an important component of good health. It helps to build muscle and tissue. Individuals who perform weight training are advised to incorporate a greater amount of protein in order to build their bodies. Protein supplements are also quite popular. It is commonly believed that only non-vegetarian[...]

  • Vegetarian Lunch Ideas and Recipes for Kids
    Vegetarian Lunch IdeasA homemade lunch is definitely more nutritious than any snack that you pick up at a fast food joint. With these fantastic vegetarian lunch ideas, not only can you eat healthier food, but do so while not burning a hole in your pocket. In fact, preparing lunch using[...]

  • 1000 Calorie Vegetarian Meal Plan for Healthy Living
    The 1000 calorie vegetarian meal plan is one of diet plans that are very popular with both men and women who are keen on losing weight as this diet tends to emphasize the restriction on the intake of calories. Before going on the 1000 calorie vegan meal plan or any[...]

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