Choosing Healthy Foods with Healthy Eating Menu
Healthy Diet to Lose Weight
My height is 5 ft 2 inches and my current weight is about 74 kg. Please guide me to choose foods wisely while eating out (in restaurants). I'm a non vegetarian.
Hi! Your ideal body weight is around 55 kg. You need to be[...]
Calculating BMI With BMI Measuring Formulae | Make Your Own BMI Chart
How To Calculate BMI (Body Mass Index) - Easy Formula To Calculate Your BMI On Your Own
Body Mass Index or BMI is a method of calculating whether you are overweight or underweight. Developed by a Belgian statistician named Adolphe Quelet, it is also called the Quelet index. It is an[...]
Managing Blood Pressure At Your Finger Tips
Tips For Managing Blood Pressure
High blood pressure also known as hypertension do not exhibit any symptoms, thus it is many times referred as a ‘silent killer’. Hypertension simply means that your heart is exerting extra pressure to pump the blood throughout the body. This extra pressure and work can[...]
Recipe for Peaches | Health Benefits | Dessert Recipe | Nutrition Facts
Recipe For Peaches
No. of Servings: 12
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes
3 cups all purpose flour
1 ¼ cup sugar, divided
½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon salt
1 cup cold butter or margarine
2 cans canned peaches (29 ounces), drained
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
For the topping[...]
Honey Dew Melon Nutrition | Garnished Melon Grape Bunch
Garnished Melon Grape Bunch
Ingredients: One honey dew melon
Preparation time: 15-20 minutes
Take one ripe honey dew melon and cut it into half. Make sure that it is not too ripe though. Remove the seeds and use a melon scooper to make small balls. Now arrange them[...]
Removing Gallstones and Foods To Avoid For Gall Bladder Stones
Gallbladder Diet for Removing Gallstones
Recent research indicates that a healthy and proper diet goes a long way in the prevention or the control of gallbladder disease. Certain types of food such as high-fat foods can deteriorate your health if you are already suffering from gallbladder stones and may[...]
Fish for Gout and Gout Food Treatment
Nutrition for Gout and Gout Foods you can Eat
Purines are substances present naturally in our body and also in certain foods. Uric acid is formed from the breakdown of purines in the body. Gout is usually the result of high uric acid in the body. Small amounts of purines[...]
Information on Obesity and Men and Eating Disorders
Age and Obesity in Men and Women
I think, it’s the other way round! Though men gain weight, as they age, women gain more weight, especially after menopause due to hormonal imbalance. Sedentary work is one of the main reasons behind weight gain in late adulthood. There is a[...]