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 | Decaffeinated coffee and tea advice: I have osteoarthritis and have had both hips and part of one knee replaced. I see coffee and tea are bad for me. Is decaffeinated coffee & tea also bad? - November 8, 2010 Coffee and Tea in OsteoarthritisOsteoarthritis is the most prevalent form of arthritis. It is also known as degenerative arthritis wherein the joint ... |
 | Loss of hair due to dandruff: I have heavy dandruff and also getting bald. I apply hair oil daily. How to get my hair back and avoid dandruff - November 7, 2010 The reasons for dandruff can be due to external and internal factors. The dandruff caused due to internal factors maybe because of imbalance in the ... |
 | Heartburn caused by acidity: I have a dull ache in my chest area like heartburn, but have it almost all the time and now going into a month. - November 7, 2010
The kind of ache you are describing sounds like heartburn caused due to excessive acidity. However, it is advisable for you to get a medical ... |
 | Diet For Cold: My baby is suffering from cold ? Can you suggest some natural measures for treating cough and cold in children - November 7, 2010 Cold is one of the commonest of all infections, which affects both kids and elders alike. Certain common symptoms of a cold are sore throat, running ... |
 | tribulus terrestris good for body building.this natural medicine how i get from india.this hindi name gokhsura.i am from south india.tribulus terrestris what name in tamil or malayalam languages.pls explain me. - November 2, 2010 Tribulus Terrestris for Body BuildingTribulus terrestris belong to the family Zygophyllaceae.The other names for tribulus terrestris are Puncture vine... |
 | Short fast diet for stubborn constipation: Please describe what is short fast for four or five days stand for? Is this mean not eating at all or eating less. Actually I have a long standing and stubborn constipation. Kindly advise? - November 2, 2010
Fasting basically means abstaining from partaking any food or drinks, or both, for a certain period of time. This period of time can vary from just ... |
 | Diet for old age: I am 71 year old men. Height- 5.5 inch, weight-76 kg. I would like to know what is my correct diet in this age. - November 2, 2010 Dietary Advice for Old AgeYour diet in this age depends more on the presence or absence of any complication. If you are not suffering from any ... |
 | Diet recommended for heart attack: My father has jus suffered a heartattack twice in 5 days. he underwent angioplasty for one blockage and still has one vien blokced.the attact was due to thicking of blood due to his smokin.wut diet can be given to him? - November 2, 2010 Ask your father to lose weight gradually if he is above his ideal body weight.Emphasize on quality of fat rather than quantity. Include omega 3 fats ... |
 | Skin complexion advice: what to do get back my original complexion of my face? - November 2, 2010 Tips to Regain Complexion What was the kind of complexion you had? Do you mean soft and blemish less skin? Proper skin care is essential at all ... |
 | GM diet and salt intake: Can I consume salt if i follow the General Motors Weight Loss Diet Program - November 2, 2010 GM diet and salt intake The General Motors (GM) weight diet does not overtly mention about the intake of salt or any minerals in its foods during... |
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