Question Categories |
 | Abs Diet for Women: Explain advantages of Abs Diet for Women? - October 27, 2010 Women's Abs DietThe Abs diet is nothing related to the abdomen. It is a weight reducing diet and is an acronym of some of the ingredients in the ... |
 | Abs Diet for body building: Does any one know what the best solution for body building? Would an Abs Diet help? Please revert - October 27, 2010 Abs Diet for body building The Abs diet is a diet designed by the editor of a magazine, which includes lifestyle change. It recommends twelve &... |
 | Abs Diet Food: what is the Abs Diet Food all about and how will it help me in my pursuit to be thin and fit? Please guide me on this particular form diet. - October 27, 2010 Dietary Advice on Abs Diet Food The Abs diet, as the name suggests helps to lose weight around the stomach. The Abs diet is a six-week diet ... |
 | Abdominal Weight Gain: What is Abdominal Weight Gain. Thanks in advance for your answers? - October 27, 2010 Advice on Abdominal Weight GainAbdominal weight gain occurs due to the fat that has been stored in the abdomen. Abdominal fat, also called as visceral... |
 | Ab Exercise: How is Ab Exercise helpful to me? - October 27, 2010 Information on Ab ExerciseMen and women as they age tend to develop a pouch in the abdomen. Fat is stored in the abdomen leading to sagging abdomen ... |
 | 5 Factor Diet: Assist me with what this 5 factor diet means. Whatever you can tell I will be great. - October 27, 2010 Information on 5 Factor DietThe factor five is the strategy behind the five factor diet. This kind of diet includes five meals per day with five ... |
 | 3 Hour Diet: Need advice on 3 hour diet. Know anything about it? - October 27, 2010 Information on 3 Hour DietThe three hour diet indicates the frequency of meal planning. Every meal is recommended at an interval of three hours. This ... |
 | 3 Day Diet advice: Any reviews or opinions on a 3 Day Diet. Studying this for some time, please revert with any help? - October 26, 2010 3 Day Diet advice Hi! The individual results of every weight loss diets differ and are not generalized. We do not study the effects of such diets... |
 | 1200 Calorie Diet: Hello there - how will 1200 calorie diet help? Is it advisable for me? - October 26, 2010 Information on 1200 Calorie DietA diet is prescribed to any individual based on their height, weight, age, sex, activity, diet patter and health ... |
 | Treatment for acid reflux: My doctor has me on omeperazole, prilosec and metoctopramide for gastritis, aren't they all the same thing? I have been having burning in my stomach since I started taking all three. - October 26, 2010 Information on Stomach Ulcers and Acid RefluxOmeprazole or prilosec is used to treat acid reflux while metoctopramide is a treatment for superficial ... |
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