Question Categories |
 | Barf Diet: Explain advantages of Barf Diet? - November 16, 2010 Information on BARF DietThe Barf diet is majorly made of raw meaty bones (60 to 80 per cent). This refers to bones with appropriate meat to bone ratio... |
 | Banana Carbs: I want to gain weight, I have heard banana gives lot of carbohydrates. Is it true? - November 16, 2010 Banana Carbohydrates for Weight GainBanana is one fruit which is often restricted by many people who are on a weight loss diet. The amount and type of... |
 | Balanced Diet: Sorry about this, but does can someone educate me on balanced diet. Maybe it's a silly question, but would appreciate some help? - November 16, 2010 Advice on Balanced DietA balanced diet, as the name indicates, should result in a balance of all the nutrients in the daily intake. It must comprise ... |
 | Balanced diet advice: What is an ideal diet for an infant, an adult and an old man? Should an athlete eat any special kind of food? Why? - November 16, 2010 Diet for all individuals Well balanced diet including all the food groups in a meal is an ideal diet for all including infants, adult man, women, and ... |
 | Baby Weight Gain: tired of hunting for information on Baby Weight Gain anyone here that can help? - November 16, 2010 Advice on Baby Weight GainAn infant's birth weight is determined by the length of pregnancy, prepregnancy weight of the mother, weight gain during the... |
 | Apple Patch Diet: What are the benefits of Apple Patch Diet? - November 16, 2010 Information on Apple Patch DietApple Patch diet helps in expending more calories by burning the stored fat. They also function as an energy booster ... |
 | Amount of calories/day: calorie intake for male retired personnel - November 15, 2010 The recommended intake for men varies from 2000 -3000 calories. It varies with the activity, body condition, presence of ailments and use of dentures... |
 | Ameobosis diet and cure: What is the treatment for ameobosis. What is the diet for this condition? - November 10, 2010 Ameobosis diet and cure Amebiasis is also called as amebic dysentery which is caused by a parasite called Endaameba histolytica. The common ... |
 | Alli Diet Pill for losing weight: Need advice on Alli Diet Pill. Does it help in weigh loss? Do you know anything about it? - November 10, 2010 Alli Diet Pill for losing weight Hi! Alli diet pills are drugs that are used for weight loss. It aims, specifically at the digestive tract, as ... |
 | Alli Diet for weight loss: Any opinions on Alli Diet for losing weight. Studying this for some time, pl revert with any help? - November 10, 2010 Alli Diet for weight loss The Alli diet plan works with the reduced absorption of fat from your diet. The unabsorbed fat is sent out through the ... |
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