zone diet food

  • Calorie chart will help you maintain your calorie count
    Calorie chart for healthier and fitter lifestyle: Can I get the calorie chart for normal food?[...]

  • Dangers of Genetically Modified Foods | Health Effects of GM Food
    There are three main issues concerning the dangers of genetically modified foods. They are, Allergenicity, Gene Transfer and out crossing. Outcrossing refers to the phenomenon when GM food mixes with traditionally developed food. Gene transfer may occur a[...]

  • Walnut has omega 3 fatty acids reduces the LDL cholesterol levels
    Walnut is a recommended for high cholesterol and cardiovascular diseases: What about Walnut? Will it reduce cholesterol? Is there any other food that reduces cholesterol?[...]

  • Cookie Diet Plan - Ingredients, Calories Count and Carbohydrates
    Cookie DietWeight loss is a combination of controlling what you eat and burning more calories by way of exercise. It is hard working and perseverance that makes permanent weight loss a possibility. But not everyone is able to make time for exercise. So, in these instant times, there are even[...]

  • Kava Remedy for Relaxation Without Addiction
    Kava Kava Kava or Kava is a pepper like plant which grows in the South Pacific region. This plant was first discovered by the sea farer and explorer James Cook. Though, th world found about this herb quite late, it has been used by the local Hawaiians for abut 3000[...]

  • Passive Smoking - Impact, Dangers and Prevention Tips
    Passive Smoking - Dangers Of Second Hand SmokeEven if you are not a smoker, you may still be exposed to second hand smoke. That smoky haze in your favorite restaurant, the thick cloud of it in your room after your party guests have left, the smoke that settles when friends or[...]

  • Diets That Work | Fad Diets that Work | Lose Weight Fast | Grapefruit Diet
    Diets That WorkAmong the diets that work, the grapefruit diet is one that has been known and practiced for a very long time. The grapefruit diet primarily works on the principle that grapefruits have certain ingredient that when consumed with protein tends to trigger burning of fat and consequently weight[...]

  • Carb Diet: Carbohydrates food for energy and weight control
    Carb Diet FoodCarbohydrates are the major part of energy source. The most commonly eaten carbohydrates in food are pasta, refined bread, baked potatoes, cereal and rice. Rice provides about 45 grams of carbohydrate per cup. Pulses such as kidney beans, black beans and pinto beans consist of 40 grams of[...]

  • Low Carb Diet Recipes for obesity, diabetes and weight loss
    Low Carb Recipes Low carbohydrate recipes are recommended for obesity, diabetes mellitus and other complications. South beach diet, Zone diet and Atkin’s diet are some of the low carbohydrate diets that are prescribed for weight loss. Adherence to any of these diets requires care and constant monitoring[...]

  • Symptoms and Treatments for Prostate Disorders
    Prostate DisordersProstate disorders are not uncommon in older men. The prostate is a gland that is situated in front of the rectum and below the bladder in men. The main role of this small gland is regulating the seminal fluid. However, it also plays a role in urinary functions. Older[...]

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