Healthy Diet Plans >>  Juice

Juice Health Benefits

Juice is a very popular beverage, preferred by people of all ages around the world. Juice can be available in numerous varieties and flavors, some of the most common ones being orange juice, pomegranate juice, apple juice, grape juice, as well as mixed fruit juice. The elderly people, as well as those who are suffering from constipation are generally advised to consume prune juice on a regular basis. In the growing wake of fitness and health, people have also started consuming vegetable juice, such as beetroot juice, carrot juice, spinach juice, cucumber juice and of course, tomato juice. Some people also drink Aloe Vera juice, because it has an excellent effect on the body.
A few years ago people were asked to avoid juice, because of the high amount of sugar, artificial flavoring and preservatives that were present in it. However, recent studies have shown that the consumption of fresh juice, which is free of sugar and preservatives, is good for the health and in fact can also be good for weight loss purposes. Juice health benefits are many it has become so popular that several people around the world have started following a juice diet, mainly because it can enable them to lose weight. In addition to a significant amount of weight loss, this diet is also a great way of detoxifying the body. Hence, most of the proponents of the juice diet promote it as an excellent way to ensure that the body gets a good amount of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. However, a person does not have to follow a juice diet simply to enjoy the several health benefits of healthy juice or beverage. In the earlier days, because of juice calories, people included juice to their meals as a beverage, just to enhance the meal. In the present times though, people who are health conscious make sure that they have 5 to 6 small meals and day and one of the meals consists entirely of fruit or vegetable juice.

Calories in Juice

People do not have to rely on juice sold in grocery stores to get juice calories and nutrition benefits, which are generally high in sugar and preservative. Drinking fresh juice at restaurants could also turn out to be very expensive and therefore is avoided by most people. Fortunately, juice is quite easy to prepare and can easily be made at home using fresh ingredients and so that juice calories and nutritional contents are not lost. This not only turns out easier on the pocket, but it is also possible for people to monitor the ingredients that go into it. There are several easy and varied juice recipes that are easily available through resources, such as the internet, as well as recipe books. Given below are some of the most common juice recipes that most people would like to try at home.

Juice Nutrition Benefits

If you think that fruit and vegetable juices are only part of a spa or detox diet, consider this. Whether you choose fruit or vegetable juices or a medley of both, you can derive plenty of juice nutrition in the form of essential vitamins, folates, minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and tons of antioxidants. Juice is low in fat and cholesterol and provides dietary fiber. While most dietary guidelines recommend eating servings of whole fruit or vegetables, a four ounce glass of 100 percent juice may provide up to one serving of fruit or vegetable based on individual daily calorie needs. Juice nutrition facts may vary depending on what fruit or vegetable juice you choose as part of your daily intake. Juice nutrition facts also vary depending on whether you consume 100 percent juice, juice concentrate or enhanced juice. Store bought juices may contain varieties such as orange juice fortified with Vitamin D or calcium. Juice fortified with calcium can benefit individuals with lactose intolerance achieve their daily goals of calcium, while Vitamin D helps to develop strong bones as it allows for better calcium absorption.

Fruit or vegetable juice nutritional value goes far beyond its essential supply of vitamins and minerals. Studies show that fruit and vegetable juice provide an abundant source of phytonutrients—chemical compounds in plant sources that can help prevent disease by boosting your immune system. Phytonutrients are also responsible in restraining DNA damage and fighting a whole host of diseases from simple flu to carcinogenic diseases. However, juice nutrition does not include some amount of naturally occurring sugars in fruit and vegetables. For individuals suffering from diabetes, it is important to consult your doctor or dietician about the kind of juices best suited to your needs. Juice calorie content also varies according to the fruit or vegetable you choose, although most juices may contain about 60 to 80 percent calories. If you are on a weight loss goal, you may want to identify juices that will help you stay satiated without adding excess calories to your diet.

Nutrients in Juice

Dietary guidelines recommend an adequate consumption of 100 percent fruit and vegetable juice for both adults and children. Consuming 4 to 6 ounces of 100 percent juice provides many nutrients essential for a healthy, balanced diet. Any gap in an overall wholesome diet may be fulfilled by consuming nutrient dense juices. While doctors and dieticians recommend eating whole servings of fruit and vegetable, consuming their juice may also provide the requisite vitamins, minerals, folates, and fiber essential in our daily diet.

In fact, nutrients in juices include vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, along with minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and so on. Additionally, juice nutrients also include folates, essential for cell growth. Folates are water soluble vitamin B that occur in natural foods such as green, leafy vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes, avocadoes, oranges, cantaloupes, papayas, and bananas. Folates are also essential in building DNA, the building blocks of cell regeneration. Studies show that folates may even prevent growth of cancerous cells.

uice nutrients and their nutritional value are readily available on diet charts based on a 2000-calorie diet. Read labels on store bought juices and ensure that you are buying 100 percent fruit or vegetable juice to derive maximum nutritional benefits. Juices made from concentrates may contain added flavors and sugars, which may increase your calorie intake. However, you may also benefit from juices, which maybe enhanced with additional vitamins C and D or calcium fortified. Apart from nutrients in juices, they also contain antioxidant properties in the form of phytonutrients. These plant compounds are beneficial to our health as they boost the immune system, fight diseases, and maintain cell health. Studies suggest that thousands of these phytonutrients are available to us in the form of fruits and vegetables and may even help remedy carcinogenic diseases.

Consuming fresh juices allows you to receive concentrated amounts of these phytonutrients. This means a 4-ounce glass of carrot juice provides as many phytonutrients as 10-medium sized carrots. Juice nutrients derived from fresh juices have enhanced health benefits, while pasteurized store bought juices may lose some of these benefits during the bottling process. Always wash your produce before juicing them and do not store fresh juices for long. The oxidation process may render some of the vitamin and mineral benefits void unless juices are stored properly or consumed immediately.

Submitted on January 16, 2014